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Guiding Principles from 11 Alt Education Models for Postmodern Revolutionary Skoolz

Learning Pyramid, Maslow's Hierarchy, and Power/Equality Wheels;

Learning Actual Skills and Trades; main focus is teaching useful transferable skills, increases student's marketability; even taking AP tests to test to see if they are good enough for other “traditional schools”; IQ tests can be administered;

Black Schools:
Learning should be Fun and Exciting; Transformative Education, Inherently Political, Fight Oppression

Waldorf: Creative Play; Practical Hands-on; Critical thinking skills; Idealism; Social Competence; Morally responsible; “stretching, but not breaking”;

St. John's College:
Great Books Program
Tutors instead of Teachers; students dialogue w/ each other;
Oral Exams

Reggio Emilia;
develop all 100 languages of people; exploration, discovery, free inquiry, constructionist; learning useful knowledge; self-guided curriculum; environment is the 3rd teacher; parent's input; make learning visible;

4-Montessori … spiritual, physical, social, emotional, cognitive; Freedom of movement; mixed age classes; “follow the student” philosophy;
-(freedom w/in set choices), Free Educational Exchange; syllabus, the contract between student and teacher, should be posted online for the world to see; freedom to choose within constraints of what's available (also add “dream classes”);

true blue pure democracy; staff parents students all have 1 vote
-Townhall Meetings; Monthly meetings, vs Weekly meetings;
-Constitution; there needs to be 1 governing document that governs the whole democratic structure of the school;
-5 branches of government (Executive, Legislative, Judicial, Election, Media)
-For Conflict resolution: Ombudsman tries to mediate, then Grand Jury tries to mediate, or they determine if it goes to Townhall meeting; if it goes to Town Hall meeting, then Grand Jury becomes investigative committee who reports their findings first at Townhall meeting;, then Townhall meeting. Town Hall meetings make up both legislative and judicial proceedings; for judicial proceedings, both sides tell their stories, bring evidence or witnesses, then guilty is voted on, super majority, and proposals are asked for the punishment; then proposals are voted on, with majority, or highest vote, winning;
-teachers are hired and fired by town hall meetings; new students are selected by townhall meetings; chairperson of the meeting is voted on, by Instant Runoff Voting; Ombudsman is voted on; Grand Jury is voted for; budget is decided by town hall meetings. 1st year has constitutional convention, with methods for another constitutional convention to be held again.
-Consensus-based Democracy;
Lots of Titled positions; Sergeant of Arms; Secretary; Treasurer; Chairperson/President; make up ur own titles;

6-Home Schooling;
acknowledge there's political educational systems in student's homes;
online learning allows student to stay home, and learn from others, with parental approval

7-Khan's Academy;
flipped/inverted classroom; anybody can Administrate any lesson plans; self-guided online learning; write a list of Khan's Academy videos, of classes that “School of the Postmodern Revolutionaries” can teach at; mathematics, history, healthcare, medicine, finance, physics, general chemistry, biology, astronomy, economics, cosmology, organic chemistry, American civics, art history, macroeconomics, microeconomics, and computer science

8-Sugata Mitra's School in a Cloud; education is “self-emergent and self-organizing”; do not hinder student's education with schooling;

Anarchist Schools (Ferrer y Guardia);
experimentation, logic science. Non-coercive education, Secular, rational, logic, scientific education; technology, science, computers; CAD, engineering equipment, doctor's equipment; many many tools; architecture... ? Financing... getting money to do things. Making those connections; Civics; law;

11-Self-Education; independent research projects;
independent study classes; they develop their own curriculum and syllabus, reasonable set their own expectations, and coursework, and then does it; this is so the student can get credit for the things they are learning on their own; learn a language; develop a program and learn it;

Only 3 Required Classes: 1Robert's Rules of Order/read Freedom Skool's Constitution, learn the philosophy; 2Relationships; 3Great Books;

Postmodern Revolutionary Teacher Training School: They teach each other, and respect each other. Until the adults can do this, education, and society, will never get better.

Mission Statement Uses All Above Principles:

Barebones Constitution Shows How The Above Is Into Practice


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