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The Amerikan Gripshövers and the Preußisch Draft

Die 3 Gründe, Johann und Katharina Brueggeman-Gripshöver links Preußen war:

1-Preußen war schlecht, gewalttätig, und beschissen (die Hälfte ihres Einkommens wurde auf Brot und Kartoffeln mindestens 1848 verbrachte;, um ein Gefühl für die völlige Armut der Preußen an der Zeit zu bekommen, besuche Grimms Märchen, in Hänsel und Gretel, nimmt ihre Mutter ihre Kinder in den Wald, so dass sie sterben würde, und sie nicht verhungern zu Tode), gab es keine Jobs, und das Versprechen der amerikanischen Land und Freiheit.

2 Sie waren Katholiken und die Protestanten übernehmen. Die Gründung der Preußen wurde am Martin Luthers Protestantismus gegründet. Otto von Bismarcks Kulturkampf 1871-1878 (die nicht nach Bayern zu verlängern habe) würde Katholizismus, der 36,5% der deutschen Bevölkerung, darunter Polen vertreten, in den meisten protestantischen Nation (62%) abzuschaffen.

3 Die Gripshövers floh aus dem Preußisch Entwurf. Bernard die 5. kämpfte in der österreichisch-Preußen Krieg, am wahrscheinlichsten. Selbst wenn nicht, würde er auf jeden Fall in der Franco-Preußen Krieg gekämpft haben, zusammen mit 1 oder 2 seiner Brüder, hatte die Gripshövers nicht verlassen. Alle 6 Gripshöver Jungen würden an einem gewissen Punkt wurde eingezogen haben oder eine andere, da in der Preußisch Militärdienst war eine nationale Bedarf aller Preuße loyale Bürger, unter dem königlichen Monarchie, die ihre Krone gewonnen, nur weil sie in der "richtigen" Familie geboren wurden (Hohenzollern).

Teresa Gripshöver versteckte Charlie Gripshöver aus den Behörden, als er eingezogen wurde, in Vietnam zu kämpfen.

Anti-Diskriminierung katholischen geschah während Otto von Bismarcks Kulturkamf.

Priester und Bischöfe, die den Kulturkampf wider wurden festgenommen oder aus ihren Positionen entfernt. Durch die Höhe der anti-katholischen Gesetze, wurde die Hälfte der Preußenn Bischöfe im Gefängnis oder im Exil, ein Viertel der Gemeinden hatten keine Priester, die Hälfte der Mönche und Nonnen hatten Preußen, ein Drittel der Klöster verlassen wurden geschlossen, 1800 Pfarrer inhaftiert oder ins Exil geschickt wurden, und Tausende von Laien wurden für die Unterstützung der Priester inhaftiert

Die Mai-Laws (Maigesetze) oder Falk Gesetze von 1873 gab die Verantwortung für die Ausbildung und Ernennung von Geistlichen an den Staat, der in der Schluss von fast der Hälfte der Seminare in Preußen von 1878 In der Diskussion dieser Gesetze, Rudolf führte Virchow zum ersten Mal das Wort "Kulturkampf". Die Falk Gesetze wurden nach Bildungsminister Adalbert Falk benannt und sie im Jahr 1873 übergeben wurden, waren Gesetzesvorlagen in der deutschen Königreichs Preußen während des Kulturkampfes Konflikt mit der katholischen Kirche verabschiedet.


Die 3 Wars Deutschen Einheit waren:

1-1864-Dänemark Preußenn Krieg aka Zweiten Schleswig Krieg (1. Februar 1864 - 30. Oktober 1864)

2 1866 österreichisch-Preußenn Krieg (14. Juni 1866 - 23. August 1866)

3- 1870-1871 Franco-Preußenn Krieg (19. Juli 1870 - 10. Mai 1871)

21. August 1869 ist, wenn die Gripshövers erreicht Amerika. Das wäre der Einwanderung Gripshöver die zusammen mit einer massiven Welle der deutschen Einwanderung im späten 19. Jahrhundert, die unsere Geschichte der USA Lehrbücher sprechen zu platzieren. Die Gripshövers würde durch die Dänemark-Preußen Krieg von 1864 und der österreichischen-Preußen Krieg von 1866 gelebt haben, und sie würden den Krieg Inbrunst und die Preußisch-Militärmaschine Aufpumpen, rüstet sich mit dem Krieg mit Frankreich bemerkt haben, ließ aber vor, dass passiert. Deutsch Einigung passieren würde,

"Es gibt in der politischen Geographie, keine ordnungsgemäße Deutschland zu sprechen. Es gibt Königreiche und Großherzogtümer, Herzogtümer und Fürstentümer und, von Deutschen bewohnt, und jedes von einem unabhängigen souveränen mit der ganzen Staatsapparat getrennt regiert. Doch es ist eine natürliche Unterströmung dazu neigt, einem nationalen Gefühl und zu einer Vereinigung der Deutschen in einer großen Nation, von einem gemeinsamen Kopf als nationale Einheit ausgeschlossen. "- Artikel aus der New York Times in 1. Juli 1866 veröffentlicht

Wehrpflicht für Preußins dauern würde, bis sie 50 Jahre alt waren, und während ich würde gerne denken, dass sie ihre Kräfte, um die Wehrpflicht nur 20 Jahre alt beschränkt, es war wahrscheinlich 18 oder vielleicht sogar 16 oder 15 Jahre alt, als der Junge ein Mann wurde, er sei fit, um die Armee zu dienen Preußisch würde, und der Preußisch Armee will jeden tauglichen Mann auszuheben. Die Jugend ist das leichter zu manipulieren und betrügen in den Kampf, wenn man die Royalisten Monarchisten Predigt über den jungen Preußisch patriotische Pflicht und der Liebe der Kampf, Krieg und Heldentum (der 1. Weltkrieg würde uns allen zeigen des Menschen ist nur völlige und vollständige Pferdemist).

Die Gripshövers und der Preußisch-Entwurf

Universaldienstpflicht wurde von der italienischen Staatsmann, Historiker und politischer Philosoph Niccolò Machiavelli (Steven Colbert?) Im 16. Jahrhundert vorgeschlagen. Im Jahre 1808 eingeleitet Preußen ein System der allgemeinen Wehrpflicht und, nach 1815, legte es in die Praxis voll, ohne Ausnahme, weil der sozialen Klasse oder Zahlung. Alle jungen Männer dienten einen bestimmten Begriff der Pflicht zur militärischen Ausbildung.

Die napoleonische Ära endete das Heilige Römische Reich und neue deutschsprachigen Staaten, die schließlich bilden würden, das moderne Deutschland. Napoleon I. von Frankreich neu organisiert viele der kleineren deutschsprachigen Staaten in die Rheinbund nach der Schlacht von Austerlitz 1805 Im Wesentlichen ist dies vergrößert die mächtigeren Staaten der Region durch die Aufnahme der kleineren, die Schaffung einer Reihe von Pufferstaaten für Frankreich und eine Quelle der Armee Wehrpflichtige. Keine der beiden größten deutschsprachigen Staaten waren Teil dieser Konföderation: das Königreich Preußen und das Kaiserreich Österreich blieben außerhalb der Rheinbund.

Das Heilige Römische Reich wurde offiziell im Jahre 1806 aufgelöst, wenn die politische Verfassung der Mitteleuropa wurde von Napoleon neu geordnet. Voltaire sagte auch, über das Heilige Römische Reich, es ist weder heilig, noch römisch, noch ein Reich. Voltaire sagte über den Preußisch Armee "Während einige Staaten besitzen eine Armee, die Armee Preußisch einen Zustand zu besitzen."

In den Königreichen Italien, Westfalen, den Grand-Herzogtümer Berg und Polen die Wehrpflicht wurde gegründet, in der Regel als Teil des umfassenderen politischen und sozialen Reformen. Im Fall von Italien und Westfalen, Napoleon selbst schrieb die Dekrete über die Wehrpflicht. Es wurde in Italien im Jahr 1802 bei der Bildung der Republik Italien von Francesco Melzi d'Eril (1753-1816), mit Zustimmung Napoleons eingeleitet, und wurde in der Verfassung verankert Westfalen, wenn der Staat wurde 1807 gegründet.

Wenn Preußen wurde von 1806 bis 1807 besiegt (Schlacht von Jena und Auerstedt gegen die Französisch) die militärischen Reformer wollten "Wehrpflicht" für alle. Seit 1813 praktisch jedes männliche Preußen Bürger war wehrpflichtig, bis er 50 Jahre alt geworden. 20-23 Jahre alten Männer hatten nun im aktiven Dienst für 3 Jahre in Zeiten des Friedens sein. In Kriegszeiten alle Männchen bis zu 50 Jahren wurden in den aktiven Dienst bezeichnet. In 1813 bis 1815 etwa 3% der Preußen Männer angeworben.

Des Deutschen Bundes, unter österreichischer Führung: Nach den Napoleonischen Kriegen endete im Jahre 1815 wurden die deutschen Staaten wieder in einen losen Staatenbund neu organisiert.

Die "Befreiungskrieg" gegen das napoleonische Frankreich 1813-1814 neu bewertet tragischen Tod des Soldaten auf dem Feld der Schlachtung als glorreichen Opfer des Helden für das Vaterland. Bezeichnenderweise wurde diese Vater nicht mehr in der dezentralen, Pazifik, nicht-ausgerichtet und kosmopolitische Heiligen Römischen Reiches definiert, sondern zunehmend durch Bezug auf Blut, Boden, Sprache und Protestantismus.

Während die Reformen der Preußen von 1806-1813 wurde die Preußisch Entwurf eingeleitet, und es blieb, auch in Friedenszeiten. Preußen entwickelte eine Wehrpflichtsystem , basierend auf dem Prinzip der Universaldienst, die schließlich wurde zum Vorbild für den Rest Europas. Seine große Schwäche war die Unfähigkeit des Staates, leisten, und die Unfähigkeit der Armee zu absorbieren, die alle, die qualifizierten Menschen. Dennoch Preußen fort, so durch die Zeit des deutsch-französischen (Preußen) Krieg (1870-1871), dieses System nach der napoleonischen Zeit beschäftigen, hatte es eine Massenarmee der Wehrpflichtigen.

William Gripshöver würde die 9 Jahre alt gewesen während der österreichisch-Preußisch Krieg von 1866, und Henry Gripshöver (derjenige, der in der psychischen Abteilung in Amerika gesperrt werden würde) wäre nur 12 Jahren haben. Vielleicht ist die Preußins beurteilt nur ihre Möglichkeiten auf, wie reif die Jungs waren. Wenn die Jungen Bart, dann wurde er eingezogen. Das Heilige Römische Reich, sowie die Preußins, möchte die Kirche Listen verwenden, um das Kanonenfutter zu finden, um ihre Kämpfe für sie zu kämpfen. Die 3 Wars Deutschen Einheit führt schließlich zur Vereinigung Deutschland, sondern dass nur in Zufall passiert. Es war nicht so geplant. Otto von Bismarck wollte nur Land, mehr Territorium, Menschen und Ressourcen, zu herrschen über. Er wurde zu schüren Revolutionären gegenüber, wobei ein uber konservativ, er kümmerte sich nur für das, was der König wollte, und daher war eine opportunistische, und nutzte seine Kriegsmaschine, um so viel Land, wie er konnte zu nehmen. Als Hitler sprach über die 3. Reich, das Heilige Römische Reich bedeutete, dass er als 1. Reich, das es schon seit etwa 1000 Jahren, und Otto von Bismarck die deutsche Vereinigung als 2. Reich, die Deutschland durch "Blut und Eisen" erstellt.

Allenfalls, im Jahre 1866, 5 der Gripshövers hätte eingezogen haben: Johann der Jüngere (55), Kate die Ältere (Kate die 1.) (42), Kate der Jüngere (Kate die 2.) (16), Bernard V (15), und 12 Jahre alten Henry konnte in 1866 Austro-Preußen Krieg gekämpft haben. So 12 Jahren ... vielleicht ... okay. Ja. Die Preußins waren ein bisschen barbarisch. Die deutschen Barbaren brach das römische Reich in der Schlacht im Teutoburger Wald im Jahre 9 nach Christus. Dann übernahm sie. Dann verlor sie. Dann gewann sie zurück, nur um sie wieder zu verlieren. Aber sie gewinnt wieder noch so Merkelily. So am meisten, war es 5, aber in der Regel war es nur in der Lage fähigen Männer (die 95% Amerikan weiße weibliche Bildungseinrichtung hat sich einen Dreck um den Krieg nicht geben, und in der Erwägung, sie sind Mittel, um ihre Ehemänner, sie machen die Jungen in Hündinnen zu, die der pussification von Amerika ...) führt, und so, wenn wir subtrahieren Kate die Ältere und der Jüngere Kate, wir sind mit Johann verließ die Jüngere (55), Bernard die 5. (15), und Henry (12). Minus diejenigen über 50, und diejenigen unter 18, dann ist es Null. Also, an der die meisten, 5 hätte eingezogen haben, aber wahrscheinlich, Null waren, obwohl es wahrscheinlich ist, dass Bernard V hat in der Armee, die stark von seiner Körperlaufzeit und / oder das Alter der Wehrpflicht im Jahr 1866 Preußisch Deutschland hängt dienen .

Johann der Jüngere wahrscheinlich diente der Armee, oder eine Friedenskraft, während seiner Jugendzeit. Er wäre 37 während der 1848 Revolutionen haben, obwohl, es gab auch andere Schlachten für ihn in vor, dass gekämpft haben. Sein Großvater, sein Vater und vielleicht auch, beide starben im Jahr 1814, während der Napoleonischen Kriege ", der Befreiungskrieg". Johann der Jüngere war Gripshover nur 3 Jahre alt, dann, dass mit einem Vater oder Großvater aufwachsen.

Für die Dänemark-Preußenn Krieg aka Zweiten Schleswig Krieg (1. Februar 1864 - 30. Oktober 1864), im Jahre 1864, und nur nach Abzug von 2 Jahren nach jeder ihrer Alters, haben wir 53 Jahre alt Johann der Jüngere, 39 Jahre alt Kate Brueggeman der Ältere, 14 Jahre alt Kate der Jüngere, 13 Jahre alt Bernard die 5. und 9 Jahre alte Henry (plus 3 jüngeren), ist es noch unwahrscheinlicher, dass sie in der Armee diente im Jahr 1864 als im Jahr 1866, aber in 1869, als sie eingewandert, und im Jahr 1870, als der deutsch-Preußisch Krieg begann, ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass mehrere der Lage gewesen, eingezogen werden hätte.

Im Jahre 1869 und dann 1870, beziehungsweise, durch Zugabe von 3 und 4 weitere Jahre auf ihr Leben, bekommen wir eine 57/58 Jahre alten Johann der Ältere, 45/46 Jahre alten Kate die Ältere (42), 19/20 Jahre alt Catherine der Jüngere, 18x19 jährige Bernard V, 15/16 und ein Jahr alten Henry, ein 12/13 Jahre alten William Gripshöver, ein 10.9-jährige Theodore Gripshöver, eine 8.7-jährige Ferdinand und ein 3-4-jährige Josef Gripshöver. Mit diesen Altersgruppen, Bernard V wäre auf jeden Fall in die Preußisch-Armee, vielleicht Henry, und zweifelhaft eingezogen worden, aber möglicherweise, William zu. Unabhängig, würde Bernard Gripshover V in die Armee eingezogen worden, möglicherweise ein zweites Mal, und vielleicht Henry auch, obwohl zweifelhaft, William hätte sich für ihre patriotische Pflicht genannt haben.

Also, was hat das alles zu bedeuten?

Die Preußischs wurden in viele Kämpfe während der Zeit meiner Vorfahren lebten in Gripshöver Ottmars, Westfalen, und damit beschäftigt, wahrscheinlich kämpfte in der österreichisch-1866 Preußisch Krieg (Chance 75%), und in dem seltenen Fall, Bernard Gripshover V, didn er 't, im Jahr 1870, er würde auf jeden Fall seit dem deutsch-Preußisch Krieg eingezogen wurden, und Johann und Kate würden 2 weitere direkt hinter ihm gehabt haben, Henry, die eine hohe Chance, eingezogen (75% hatten; als 15 oder 16 Jahre), und eine Chance für vielleicht 12 oder 13 Jahre alte William; Auch dies hängt vom Alter der Wehrpflicht in Preußen, und William Körper Reife an der Zeit.

Seit 1813 praktisch jedes männliche Preußisch Bürger war wehrpflichtig, bis er 50 Jahre alt geworden. 20-23 Jahre alten Männer hatten nun im aktiven Dienst für 3 Jahre in Zeiten des Friedens sein. In Kriegszeiten alle Männchen bis zu 50 Jahren wurden in den aktiven Dienst bezeichnet.

Preußen und die deutschen Länder storniert alle Ausnahmen von der Wehrpflicht ab 1867, die zweifellos erschrocken die Gripshövers, der seit befreit haben kann, da sie Land in Besitz, und das bedeutet eine Form der sozialen Stellung, wenn es schwer zu sagen, ob sie arm waren Schmutz Bauern oder "Mittelklasse" Schmutz Bauern, Essen so viel Brot und Kartoffeln, die sie wollten. Also die Gripshövers hatte Bernard Gripshover die 5. und Henry Gripshover die Erste, die beide ausgearbeitet hätte, und dann hatten sie 4 mehr Jungen kommen, die, obwohl im Jahr 1870 wahrscheinlich nicht ausgearbeitet haben, hätten sie dienen haben in der Preußisch-Armee kurz daher. Johann der Jüngere Gripshover würde für Preußen in vielen Schlachten vor den Kriegen der Deutschen Einheit gekämpft haben, sondern von den 1860er Jahren, über 50 Jahre alt war er, und deshalb war befreit. In Friedenszeiten hatte 20-23 Jahre alten Männer nun im aktiven Dienst für 3 Jahre, und in Zeiten des Krieges, wurden alle Männer bis zu 50 Jahren in den aktiven Dienst bezeichnet. Also mit 6 Jungen, 2 von conscriptable Alter, und 4 bald ausgearbeitet werden, sagte die Familie Gripshöver fuck that, und zog nach Amerika.

Die Falk-Gesetze und andere diskriminierende Gesetze gegen die Katholiken, denen die Kirche aufgeben musste ihren vielen Landbesitz, nicht zu heiraten Leute (nur von der Regierung, zivile Ehe) verboten, und die Priester und Bischöfe wurden von Preußisch geschnitten Politik, führte zum Tod der 5 Franziskanerinnen, die an Bord starb der Deutschland, wenn es im Jahr 1875 sank, nur 6 Jahre später, nachdem die Familie Gripshöver hatte an Bord, für 12-14 Tage gewesen, als sie nach Amerika gesegelt 1869 Diese Anti-katholische Diskriminierung wäre auch wichtiger Faktor für die Gripshövers verlassen haben. Auch würde die Armut, Hunger, Lebensmittelknappheit und Ernteausfälle erhebliche Push-Faktoren das Versprechen von Amerika, die meisten Deutschen kannten, und etwa durch Zeitungen, aber auch durch Briefe der Korrespondenz über den Atlantik geschickt, von Freunden und Familie , wäre ein wichtiger Pull-Faktor haben.

Und für Ray und Chris, und alle anderen heuchlerischen braunen Eidgenossen, die, wie wir wissen nicht, unsere eigene Geschichte, Erbe zu sprechen, und Kultur, zu keinem Zeitpunkt, nicht einen einzigen Gripshövers dienen in der Amerikan Bürgerkrieg (1861 1865), da sie 4 Jahren nach angekommen. Auch wenn die in Amerika Gripshövers zu einem früheren Zeitpunkt gekommen war, lebt in Northern Kentucky, war es sehr wahrscheinlich, sie würden in der Armee gedient haben Union, wenn man bedenkt 80% -90% der zugewanderten Deutschen kämpften für die Union (einschließlich William Justus Goebel Vater, der die Allee war er in der Lage, in die Politik zu bekommen, ein Sohn eines Union-Veteran) war, und John Hunt Morgan angegriffen Sandfordtown (der Heimatstadt der einwandernden Gripshövers), zum Leidwesen der blauen Mänteln (Union Soldaten) stationiert es an der Zeit. John Hunt Morgan wurde als "Donnerschlag der Konföderation" bekannt ist, weil, wie die Anti-Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika, dass er Terror war, war er in feigen Angriffe kämpfen, zerstören Eisenbahnen, Telegrafenleitungen und nur unter Pop Schüsse auf zivile Städte, terrorisieren Frauen, Kinder, alte und Zivilisten, aber nie direkt eingreift gegen die Union Militär. Dies ist vergleichbar mit dem Pequot-Krieg, wo die Söldner der englischen Land Unternehmen, brannte das Dorf Pequot 1637, alle 700 Frauen, Kinder und alte Männer zu töten, während die Lage Körper männlichen Krieger waren weg (und die Basis für die ersten Thanksgiving Day). Das ist kaum heroisch, und durch die heutige Definition von Terrorismus, wäre das State Department Definition, Angriffe auf die Zivilbevölkerung aus politischen Gründen, die englischen Kolonisten John Hunt Morgan, und die Eidgenossen alle verräterischen antiamerikanische Terroristen, und alle verdient das Schicksal von Osama Bin Laden, und ISIS, für sein beschissen Bastarde sie waren. Frederick Douglass sagte auch, dass "ein Deutscher nur ein Deutscher völlig Gegner der Sklaverei zu werden. Im Gefühl, wie auch in Überzeugung und Prinzip, sind sie gegen die Sklaverei. "Als Kanonenfutter für den Krieg Preußisch-Maschine, würde die Deutschen gewünscht haben, ihr eigenes Land zu besitzen, die Landwirtschaft weiter wie sie vorher hatten, und frei von zu sein Wehrpflicht, die sie nicht in der Lage, im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1 zu vermeiden.

In der Tat, die große Mehrheit der Kentuckians kämpfte für die Union. Kentucky geliefert 100.000 Soldaten der Union (einschließlich 24.000 neu befreit schwarzen Soldaten) gegenüber 25.000 - 40.000 Eidgenossen Kentucky wurde gesagt, haben "nach Appomattox abgefallen", durch die Wahl eine Reihe von ehemaligen Verbündeten in die Gouverneursamt und anderen politischen Positionen der Macht, und es dem KKK wohl oder übel zu ermorden, die die Gallatin County Race Riots von 1866 http beinhaltet: / /

Die Preußischs Kriege ausgefochten wurden von Freiwilligen gekämpft, aber von Soldaten an der Stelle eines Bajonett eingezogen. Die Nazis waren nicht eine Abfahrt für die Deutschen, sondern die Fortsetzung einer tief eingebetteten Preußisch militaristische Kultur. Militarismus wurde von der Französisch, der britischen und der Amerikans, wer den größten Völkermord in der Geschichte der Menschheit allen behaupten kann praktiziert wird, mit 100 Millionen Indianer tot, die einen Völkermord 10 mal größer als Hitlers Völkermord bildet; Hitler sah in der Tat der asymmetrischen Kriegsführung der britischen Kolonisten und die nachfolgenden Amerikans (George Washington genocided die erste und älteste Demokratie in der Geschichte der Menschheit-Irokesen) mit Ehrfurcht und Staunen. Hitler liebte die Zahlung Cowboys und Indianer. Lil Timmy würde mich als "Indian" zu bezeichnen, wenn wir Cowboy und Indianer gespielt. Er hat mich auch ein Simon Kenton, seine Daniel Boone, so dass er den Eingeborenen als schlechter als die Kolonial Imperialismus fördernde Weißen sah. Militarismus verbraucht, auch die katholischen Ordensritter, die Barbaren von den deutschsprachigen Stämme, sowie das Römische Reich.

Die Geschichte der Preußins waren bösartig und blutig. Preußen waren die ersten, die eine nationale Bildungssystem zu erlassen, um gehorsame Soldaten zu entwickeln und Arbeiterinnen, die ihre Preußisch Nation (eventuell diese Preußisch Bildungssystem kommt nach Amerika durch Horace Mann, der als Kanal verwendet wurde geliebt, 1852). Frankreich, Österreich, Großbritannien und Russland: Auch, Preußen, im Gegensatz zu Amerika, die von ausländischen Invasion durch den weiten Pazifik und Atlantik geschützt ist, wurde von allen Seiten von Feinden umgeben. Der Militarismus der Preußen gewesen wäre unerträglich, und das wäre der größte Push-Faktor, um die Gripshövers von Preußen zu bekommen.

In den Vereinigten Staaten wurde der Entwurf im Zweiten Weltkrieg 1 und 2, sowie dem Bürgerkrieg . Die Kaiserlich Deutsche Armee hatte die meisten professionellen Wehrpflichtarmee der Welt, wenn Weltkrieg ausbrach.

Während des amerikanischen Bürgerkrieges (1861-1865), drohte mehrere Staaten zu Wehrpflichtigen als Mittel zur Stimulierung Freiwilligenarbeit. Das Bundesgesetz Miliz von 1862 gab der Präsident Abraham Lincoln Behörde zu 300.000 Männer zu zeichnen, aber weit verbreitete Opposition und erhöhte Freiwilligen von der Maßnahme provoziert suspendiert deren Umsetzung. Die Konföderierten Staaten erlassen die Wehrpflicht Act von 1862, die Erstellung Männer 18 bis 35, aber die Ausnahmen und Substitutionen erlaubt es weniger als universell einsetzbar gemacht. Immer mehr Männer wurden für die Kräfte von der Union Entwurf eines Gesetzes von 1863 erhalten, manchmal auch die Einschreibung Gesetzes. , Die für alle Männer im Alter zwischen 20 und 35 und auf diese unverheirateten Männer zwischen 35 und 45 wurde entwickelt, um zusätzliche Freiwillige aufgefordert. Das Gesetz für den Entwurf von Steuerhinterziehung durch Zulassen Substitution, durch die ein Mann eingezogen könnte ein weiterer mieten, um für ihn zu dienen, und durch Kommutierung, durch die ein Mann konnte ausge $ 300 für seine Freilassung zahlen. Obwohl es gezündet gewalttätigen Ausschreitungen Entwurf, vor allem diejenigen, die im Juli 1863 in New York City stattgefunden hat, etabliert das Gesetz die Grundsätze, die jeder Bürger verpflichtet war, die Nation zu verteidigen und dass die Bundesregierung könnten die Bürger aufrufen, um direkt ohne Rückgriff auf staatliche Dienst .

Der Entwurf wurde während des Vietnam-Krieges zu verwendet.

Billy Crystal äußerte seine Opposition gegen Muhammad Ali, der am meisten anerkannten Kentucky Gesicht in der Welt (der zweite ist Colonel Sanders), die den Dienst an der Ausarbeitung der US-Männer in den Krieg in Vietnam zu kämpfen Gegensatz stand. Die Republikaner würden sagen, dass Bill Clinton "ausgewichen" den Vietnam-Entwurf während seiner Wahlkampagne im Jahr 1992, waren aber völlig geräuschlos, wie Baby-Bush ging AWOL während seiner Zeit auf der Nationalgarde, oder wie Mitch McConnell wurde aus Fort Knox für Sodomie getreten, oder Sean Hannity weder, Bill O'Rielly, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, noch, nie im Militär gedient. Sean Hannity bester Freund Ted Nugent und häufig Gast auf sein Programm, seine Hose geschissen zu beweisen, dass er verrückt war, so hatte er nicht in Vietnam dienen. Der Entwurf in den 60er und 70er Jahren war einer der wichtigsten Faktoren, die arm und reich in ihrer Opposition gegen den Vietnamkrieg verbunden. Die Lehren aus Vietnam, die Republikaner und Demokratische Krieg Falken und die herrschenden Klassen Amerika, haben es vermieden, mit dem Entwurf, wie sehr sie versuchen, auszuweichen Ebola, um so die Bevölkerung gegen sie wenden nicht bekommen.

Die 15. Änderung wurde 1870 verabschiedet, und die 13. und 14. Änderung bereits verabschiedet worden, die die Sklaverei in Amerika alle verboten. So hören, dass einige Gripshöver Vorfahren "Eigentum" Sklaven, wäre es ein De-facto-Sklaverei, nicht gar eine haben. Sie wären Pächter haben; Lohnsklaven, nicht die Sklaverei normale Leute zu finden, so abscheulich, wie in Wiedersehen Onkel Tom, der zeigt, wie Amerikan Sklaverei war die brutale Sklaverei in allen menschlichen Geschichte dargestellt. Ich wage zu einem von euch böse Arsch Fuck'n rassistische Confederate mf'ers Goodbye Uncle Tom zu sehen, und sehen, welche Art von Traditionen Sie tragen auf sind. Es ist nicht eine Gripshöver Erbe überhaupt. Es ist etwas anderes. Sowie einige der Vorfahren Gripshöver mit Sklaven besaß wird nur vom Hörensagen und Vermutungen, so dass es vielleicht gar nicht viel, um diese Behauptung sowieso sein. Es ist auch als eine Randnotiz hinzugefügt, dass sie wohlwollende Diktatoren waren.

3 Gripshöver Jungen (junge Männer) hätte für die deutsch-Preußisch Krieg eingezogen wurden (und das Wissen, dass sowohl Johann Vater und Großvater kämpften und starben in den napoleonischen Kriegen 1814 ... Waterloo war nur eine kurze Fahrt auf dem Weg von Westfalen), war ein wichtiger Faktor in der Familie Gripshöver Hopping Schwanz und raus aus Ausweichen, Verpflegung auf der Deutschland in Bremerhaven, und weiter nach Castle Gardens, und dann Sandfordtown nach BF Sandford genannt, wo eine katholische Kirche existierte, die Deutsch sprach, und viele andere deutsche Einwanderer. Sandfordtown gründete die erste Schule in Kenton County, im Jahre 1843 und auch ?,, die erste Feuerwehr für Kenton Grafschaft auch. Bevor der Franco-Preußen Krieg von 1870 beginnt (die 3. Krieg für die deutsche Vereinigung), die Gripshövers verkaufen ihr Land, und Hopfen eine Bootsfahrt auf mehr als auf Kentucky. Auf seinem Gelände in Sandfordtown würde Theodore Gripshöver bekommen, um seinen eigenen Bereich der Erdbeeren zu erhöhen.

Leider hatte die neu angekommenen Gripshövers in Amerika, um die Panik von 1873, die eine Weltwirtschaftskrise seit 6 Jahren in Amerika, die mit der Post-Bürgerkriegs Inflation, Überfluss der Investitionen in Eisenbahnen, ein großes Handelsbilanzdefizit, Wellen von wirtschaftlichen verursacht wurde, war zu ertragen Versetzung in Europa aus der Franco-Preußenn Krieg (1870-1871) entstehen, Vermögensverluste in der Chicago (1871) und Boston (1872) Feuer, die Umstellung auf mit den Greenbacks an der Gold-Standard nur (die Haltestelle Druck Silberscheidemünzengesetz von 1873) und Jay Cooke and Company, ein RR Unternehmer, schlägt fehl und meldet Insolvenz an.


Why My Preußisch Gripshöver Ancestors Came To Amerika

“Be Brave, Fearless, and Loyal to the Common People” ~the last words of the first New Dealer, a German-Kentuckian martyr, William Justus Goebel

Ottmarsbocholt, Westfalen, Preußen.

1710. Bernard Gripshöver-Hegeman—Barney I—is born.

1743 Nov 13. Bernardt Christoph Gripshöver—Barney II—is born.

1784 Aug 26. Johann Bernard Gripshöver I—Johann I—is born.

1784 Nov 30. 74 year old Bernard Gripshöver—Barney I—dies, 3 months after his grandson is born.

1811 Aug 31. Johann Bernard Gripshöver II—Johann II—is born, and is baptized Catholic immediately.

1814 Okt 12. Both 70 year old Barney II, AND 30 year old Barney III (Johann I), dies. Unknown reasons.

“A German has only to be a German to be utterly opposed to slavery. In feeling, as well as in conviction and principle, they are anti-slavery.” ~Frederick Douglass

Translations of Preußisch




The Raccoon Clan

20 year old Kate Gripshöver (Catherine Brueggeman-Gripshöver's eldest daughter) within a year of coming to Amerika in August 1869, had moved out of the family house, and married a grocer by the name of Lawrence Verkamp (b. 1844 in Hanover, Germany). Kate and Lawrence Verkamp lived in Covington on Bachelor St in 1880 and had 2 kids with him, Mary and Annie Verkamp. Lawrence dies. She'd later on have 1 more child with another man. Kate marries John Teben? and has 1 more child. The 3 children of Kate Gripshöver: 1[Mary Verkamp-?; b. 1876]; married Strew. 2[AnnieVerkamp-?; b. Oct 1879]; 3[John Teben].

Kate Gripshöver the Younger (not the crazy psycho child of Henry I) died when she was 42 years old in in 1891 on Turkeyfoot Road; Erlanger; Sandfordtown.


“Who are you? You don’t know! Don’t tell me Negro, that’s nothin. What were you before the white man named you a Negro? And where were you? And what did you have? What was yours? What language did you speak then? What was your name? It couldn’t have been Smith or Jones or Burch or Powell! That wasn’t your name. They don’t have those kinds of names where you and I came from. NO! What was your name? And why don’t you now know what your name was then?! Where did it go?Where did you lose it? Who took it? And how did he take it? What tongue did you speak? How did the man take your tongue? Where is your history? How did the man wipe out your history?”

I know who I am! I came from Preußen, which would make me a Preußenn! I'm also Bohemian, Austrian, Bavarian, Preußenn, and African (11%)! Our Preußenn name is Gripshöver! We spoke Plattsdeutsch!

But I'll be honest, before 2012, I didn't know any of that. How did they take our history, heritage, language, and culture away from us? Racism. And World War 1 and World War 2. But u English-forked tongue WASPy imperializing wyte supremaCYST child-beat'n genocidal war mong'n Protestant psychopaths don't give a fuck that yall ain't got no ROOTS. Yall glad to throw off the culture of ur fatherland... read some Grimm's Fairy Tales, and figure who yall were, before yall got all brain-washed, and fucked up! Without roots, how can a tree grow? Without a foundation, that house is gonna sink in the sand! Wake up! Wake the fuck up!

January 18, 1871 is when King William of Preußen was proclaimed German Emperor in the Hall of Mirrors in the Chateau de Versailles.

Kentucky had achieved statehood on June 1, 1792, when it adopted into the United States, nearly 80 years before Germany ever existed as a nation-state country. The vast majority of Kentuckians fought for the Union. 100,000 Union soldiers (including 25,000 Black soldiers) versus 40,000 Confederates.


I was being oppressed by a white female piece of shit bitch (Julie Chancellor at Valley High School), who has the face and heartlessness of Joan Rivers, and when I said I wanted to speak about a topic—the 1855 Know Nothing Riots in Louisville, Kentucky—knowing how manipulative and insecure Oppressor Molesters are, I knew I was taking a chance, because as a controlling manipulative cunt, if you have your own ideas or thoughts about anything, that represents a threat to their draconian control. I chose to go forward with presenting the 1855 Know-Nothing riots in Louisville, and that's when Julie Chancellor lost her mind, and did all she could to fuck me over $50,000. My justification? I was talking about my Gripshöver ancestors, and the 1855 Know-Nothing riots is the prism which I understand the culture and society of Amerika at the time, they were entering into.

How stupid am I?

Recently, at Valley High School, Mr. Pauley, 9th grade science teacher, had a meltdown, and was cursing at the students, to “shut their fucking mouths”. This comes at the tail of a shooting incident that put Valley High School into a Level 4 lockdown just a week ago. . So the students are being forced into unsafe learning conditions, where they're being shot at, and yelled at, in order to be forced into compliance, but a compliant student isn't going to be able to use their independent minds to get away from rampage shooters, because they don't have an independent mind to speak of. Rob Stephenson, a total and complete Nazi, who just goes around giving cheerleaders $5 for no apparent reason, was defending Mr. Pauley, even though, had a student exhibited the same behavior, they would have been expelled from school. A double standard exists for the Oppressors and the Oppressed in the American school systems. If the Oppressed do it, it's a crime which needs the heavy iron fist upon the young, innocent, and vulnerable, but if the Oppressed do it, then it's a crime which cannot be forgiven.

So anyways, Julie Chancellor robbed me of $50,000, which is a major felony, she did it because she's a controlling manipulative kkkunt piece of shit, a fascist Oppresor Molester asshole, and threw 200 volunteer hours I completed, working for free in Louisville's schools, over 300 pages of term papers, and countless boring hours in class, which I have over a 3.0 in school. One cannot get good grades if one didn't submit, and submission to authority was the only thing all of the professors at Spalding University cared about.

“Even in our sleep, pain without cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart until in our despair against our will comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.” ~RFK's rendition of Aeschylus

If you sleep with the pigs, then you gotta lay with 'em, eh? Okay, for the Pig Clan, maybe I should just be glad that I got out alive, unscathed. Yall wanna defend 'em so much, then yall sleep w/ 'em, bahahaha!
    “He who learns must suffer, and even in our sleep pain that cannot forget, falls drop by drop upon the heart, and in our own despite, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.” ~Aeschylus's real words
Even without any love or support, I still carry on. As a boy in wisdom, I have the ability to think for myself, and I can look over into the abyss, look over the edge, and not know what's coming my way, or what's going to happen next, and yet, I move forward. I won't say if it's better or worse that way, because I can't decide. I would think in general that life shouldn't be so goddamned hard. Society already puts bullshit on you, and while that's going to happen regardless, to have folks who should have been there in my life, only bring more struggle, more pain and misery,

Kevin Deaton sued me in court in 2007, for defamation of character, because I called child services on my mother, who said she loved hitting Kurt, because it got her aggression out on him. She's obedient to her man, and makes her boys weak, not strong, even though she hypocritically is a slave to her man, and is crappy to the rest of the world. Must be hard having women and men out here fighting for you. She's making them weak, and insecure, so it's guaranteed they'll be Oppressors or Oppressed, but definitely not Revolutionary Equalists. Only if they stand up to her enough, then she realizes it, maybe, kind of, even though she hates it, she might be wrong. But who wants to be a dartboard? He pretended to care about me, in that 2007 court case, holding my hand on the table, and saying he just wanted everything to be resolved between us, and I relented, which I shouldn't have. I should have nailed his ass to the wall, since he was 100% wrong. But Spike didn't give a fuck he was 100% wrong. “The Man from Stone Mountain, Georgia” lashed out at Ronnie Lee Smith without Spike saying a word about it, but with me, yeah, he tried to fuck me over. And even got that old lady, who carried me off the bus, when my leg fell asleep, when I was 5 years old, and I was baffled at what had happened to my leg, to come to the court, to fuck me over. This would happen again in 2009, and then in 2012, over other dumb shit. 5,000 attacks is fine to put on me, but the 1 time I defended myself, my Rite of Passage, I get fucked, hardcore. That's the shit yall wanna defend and support, Peggy Gripshover? Really? Fuck yall then. I'm not crying about my childhood. I'm bitching about the evil mf'ers whose hurting me now, today, and Kevin's bragged to Lucy that he's going to put a restraining order on me for “the rest of his life”, because that's the goal of the Oppressor. My humanity is what pisses him off, and so my success, that's the worst crime that could ever happen to him. In 2009 (9-9-9), he tried to murder me. Take me off the planet, and Spike never batted an eye to it. He terrorized me for 17 years as a child, and it was bullshit, and the terrorism continues... for the rest of my life. Should I stand up? Should I care when nobody gives a fuck that he continues to do this shit, and nobody bats an eye to it? In 2012, he re-uped on the restraining order. The judge said "Do you accept the charges?", and like how white women at Spalding University taught me to be (Karen Dunnagan specifically), I was obedient, even though Kevin said no domestic violence happened. How can a domestic violence order be put on somebody when the party pressing charges admits that no domestic violence happened? I was about to get a job, but instead, afterwards, I was so torn up that I just took the abuse again, didn't say shit, didn't do shit, just took the flogging. When the charges first came down, I had no car. I wouldn't have been able to get to the courthouse. I just was riding a bicycle everywhere in Louisville. And the betrayal, plus the injustice of the bullshit. He beat up children, and my mother, and me, and we all watched as we get the bullshit put on us, for 17 years, over 5,000 attacks, upon my head, body, and the humiliation... and yet, I'm the one who has to wear the scars of PTSD, and a permanent blight on my criminal record. I'm the child beater? Does it matter that I'm 100% opposed to child abuse? Does anybody on this planet give a fuck? Growing up with fascist psychopaths has made me Revolutionary, and that's why I tremble with indignation at every instance of injustice I see. You want me to apologize for me being me? Why should I? Nobody ever apologized to me for making me this way.


“What makes the so called Negro unable to stand on his own two feet? He has no self-confidence. He has no proud confidence in his own race because the white man destroyed your and my past, destroyed the knowledge of our culture, and having destroyed it, now we don't know we have any achievements, any accomplishments, and as long as you can be convinced that you never did anything, you'll can never do anything.” … “This is why the white man, his little children, he tells them about George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, all of these white heroes. But we are never taught about any Black heroes. The only one we're shown in history is that my grandfather was picking cotton.” … “Cotton-picking don't move me. No. But when it comes to teaching the Black people something about great Black men who stood their ground, who were scientists, civiliances, who were fathers of culture and civilization, the white man has shrewdly written that word out of the textbooks, and today, the affect it has on you and me, we don't think we can stand on our own two feet.” … “We wake up. We clean up. And we stand up. We stand up like a man on our own two feet. We stop begging the white man. And we stop apologizing to the white man. We stop compromising with the white man. Then the world will look at us with recognition and respect. But as long as you're running around here wearing the white man's name and bragging about you one of the Jones, or one of the Browns, one of the Smiths, or at long as you're bragging about you're a part of this so-called American democracy, then you will always be looked down as a chump by the white man, and never will be given recognition nor respect. Your problem will continue to go unsolved, and we'll still be in the same rut or ditch 1,000 years from now that we're in right now.” ~Malcolm X


German accomplishments. To write this next section, I reviewed my questionnaire, which was the point of making them. To review them, and memorize them. Because we're supposed to give our next generation ROOTS and WINGS, and my kids will damn well know their roots.

Germans in Cincinnati and Louisville had started a ton of newspapers. It was the blamed on the Germans and the Bohemians for the civil unrest that was happening against the Industrializing nation, in the Strikes... Homestead Strikes... with Eugene Debs... and Pullman Strike... The Haymarket Riots

The Germans already had a compulsory form of education, and while designed to make obedience the norm, sometimes the educated German started to think for himself...

The Germans can claim Elvis Presley, Kurt Vonnegut, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and Abraham Lincoln (Linkhorn) for themselves.

As a bit of a nerd I am, to find out the migration pattern of my ancestors, I was going to study the diffusion of Plattsdeutsch, the “lower German” language that Johann and Katharina spoke. It was called “lower” German only because it was spoken on the lowlands of Westphalia, which is relatively close to the Netherlands (Amsterdam is a 2 ½ drive from Ottmarsbocholt). Westphalia is even closer to Neandertal, which they found the bones of the Neanderthal man there, which suggests we have Neanderthal blood in us as well.

Plattsdeutsch was the “lingua franca” of the Hanseatic League, which was the order of lower Sweden and upper German, where the Franks, Goths, Visigoths, and other German-speaking tribes originated from.

The Netherlands is literally called “the low lands”, and it seems probable to think that “lower German” and “the low lands” have much in common. Sure the Preußenns wanted control over the Westphalia region, and who knows who controlled that area before Napoleon conquered it, since his divisions seemed to be more about geography than ancient customs, rituals, and traditions, but it's a good place to start. There was one picture I saw that had the area of Plattsdeutsch speakers mapped out, and smack dab in the middle of that region was the Westphalia region. Understanding that Germany itself was formed into a nation-state because of the common language, culture, customs, traditions, religion, and ways of the people, I sometimes imagine the world separated by language instead of arbitrary political boundaries. Before Germany existed, there were 39 independent German-speaking regions, and they were all combined together in 1871, from above, by force—through conscription, and through war. War has a way of cleansing dissension amongst various factions of tribes and groupings of people, and no doubt, rulers of all nations know this. While war is repugnant to the layman, the elites since the dawn of time, since time immemorial, have been using the poor folks as cannon fodder, to die in wars of conquest they designed, usually for selfish reasons. Such is the case in the 3 wars for German unification with Otto Von Bismarck leading the march.

I just read that Germany now has free college. Free nigga! Mexico went berzerk when their government tried to add some small fees. I'm nearly $100,000 in debt, just because I wanted to better myself. That's a mortgage. If I had land and a house, I woulda done much betta... and, oh yeah, good advisers in my life. I needed that too. And since I got land, now niggas got land. I wonder how they gonna like that shit... I guess mf'ers just wanna pull u down to their level.

Whenever I read about the Dutch, such as the companion of the first white woman in Kentucky, who was captured by the Shawnee—Mary Draper Ingles—was taken to Big Bone Lick, and ran away, I think about my German ancestors. Eventually, as Mary Draper Ingles puts it, the Dutch woman, eventually loses her mind, and comes after Mary, to kill her, and eat her. There were also Dutch colonists at the founding of Kentucky as well in the Amerika's before the English colonies took them over. I read about the Dutch colonists, and how they were just mercenaries, who only wanted the new land in Amerika, and a paycheck, I think of my Gripshöver ancestors. My Gripshöver ancestors have more in common with the Dutch than the Austrians or the Bohemians or the Bavarians. I think. They definitely have more in common with the Dutch than the English, or the French, or the Protestant white Amerikkkans.

William Justus Goebel, the greatest German-Kentuckian politician to have ever existed, was a New Dealer before FDR or Huey Long ever was one. Goebel stood up against the Railroad Monopoly, supported Union workers for free in court, was against toll roads (which means he'd be valuable today, against the proposed toll bridge in Louisville and Cincinnati), was against the textbook monopolies, was in favor of woman's right to vote, and was more progressive in the arena of Black equality than any of his contemporaries.

MLK was murdered by a racist white man, just like my brown-skinned Confederate cousins. Here's the song my brown-skinned Confederate loving cousins like to sing:

No we don't want niggers in our schools
We're not for immigration
Keep those niggers in their place
We'll have a better nation
Our southland got along just fine
Until those immigrators
Came down here sturring up a mess
With outside aggitators
They'll march, sit in and demonstrate
And try to take our schools
They want to change our southern way
With a brand new set of rules
No we don't want niggers in our schools
We're not for immigration
Keep those niggers in their place
We'll have a better nation
We must prove to martin luther
We stand for what is right
No court, or left-wing liberals
Can ever make him white
Form a solid line of white men
Conservatives we'll be
They'll never ever overcome
Our schools will still be free
No we don't want niggers in our schools
We're not for immigration
Keep those niggers in their place
We'll have a better nation
We must prove to martin luther
We stand for what is right
No court, or left-wing liberals
Can ever make him white
Form a solid line of white men
Conservatives we'll be
They'll never ever overcome
Our schools will still be free
No we don't want niggers in our schools
We're not for immigration
Keep those niggers in their place
We'll have a better nation

They hated MLK because he said that we should judge a person by the content of their character, and not the color of their skin. MLK also said that triple-headed monster that Amerika needs to tackle are: 1) Racism; 2) Consumerism, and; 3) Militarism.

Lil Timmy, if he was ordered around, he'd say, “Does my skin look Black to you?” The racist Confederate cousins of mine (which I haven't talked to for nearly 10 years now), taught me the phrases “nigger-rigged” (a temporary ragtag fix) and “nigger-lipped” (putting too much saliva on a cigarette). Peggy Gripshover defends them.

Gripshöver, where the o in Gripshöver contains the umlaut... Another acceptable spelling: Gripshoever; The UM-LAUT; (ummm-loudtt): putting an “e” after the letter is acceptable for foreign typewriters that doesn't contain the “o” with the umlaut.

The Germans, praised highly by Frederick Douglass, a man who Western Civilization wants to pretend they didn't create, at least Mitch McConnell Scholars don't give a fuck about him, do so much right. 75% or more Germans have solar panels on top of their houses. Germans call NyQuil “night nurse”, which I've depended on solving all of my colds and flus, for a long time. I should go get a flu shot though. Walgreens is giving them out, and I have Passport now, thanks to Obamacare, and ironically, those who receive Obamacare, probably won't vote. I will get the chance to get a flu shot, because ObamaCare has absolutely changed my life, and it's changed many poor folks' life, old ladies getting their teeth cleaned, and getting desperately needed medicine, which the Mitch McConnells of the world were against (read: Kevin and Barbara Katz-Williams), and Obama has been voted as the best politician on Earth like 6 years in a row by the German people. When Bush put his hands on Merkel, since to Bush, she was just a dumb bitch, she shrugged her shoulders to get his hands off of him, and looked at him like he was crazy. Obama has a mixed legacy, because we're an Empire, and he's continued it, but he didn't start it. The Empire was started in 1898, under William McKinley I believe.

Little shit folks have taught me: toast is a meal. ~Bryan Boulevard. How to iron: Elizabeth Nicole Brown-Deters. Heating up water without a water heater with a coffee maker: Haiti.


The 3 reasons Johann and Katharina Brueggeman-Gripshöver left Preußen was:

1- Preußen was poor, violent, and shitty (half of their income was spent on bread and potatoes, at least in 1848; to get a feel for the outright poverty of Preußen at the time, check out Grimm's Fairy Tales; in Hansel and Gretel, their mother takes her children out into the woods, so they'd die, and she wouldn't starve to death), there were no jobs, and the promise of American land and freedom.

2- They were Catholics, and the Protestants were taking over. The founding of Preußen was founded on Martin Luther's Protestantism. Otto Von Bismarck's 1871-1878 Kulturkampf (which didn't extend to Bavaria) would abolish Catholicism, which represented 36.5% of the German population, including Poland, in the majority Protestant nation (62%).

3- The Gripshövers fled from the Preußisch Draft. Bernard the 5th fought in the Austrian-Preußen War, most likely. Even if not, he would have definitely fought in the Franco-Preußen War, along with 1 or 2 of his brothers, had the Gripshövers not left. All 6 Gripshöver boys would have been conscripted at some point or another, since serving in the Preußisch military was a national requirement of all Preuße's loyal citizens, under the royal monarchy, who gained their crown just because they were born in the “right” family (House of Hohenzollern).

Teresa Gripshöver hid Charlie Gripshöver from the authorities when he was drafted to fight in Vietnam.

Anti-Catholic discrimination happened during Otto Von Bismarck's Kulturkamf.

Priests and bishops who resisted the Kulturkampf were arrested or removed from their positions. By the height of anti-Catholic legislation, half of the Preußenn bishops were in prison or in exile, a quarter of the parishes had no priest, half the monks and nuns had left Preußen, a third of the monasteries and convents were closed, 1800 parish priests were imprisoned or exiled, and thousands of laypeople were imprisoned for helping the priests

The May Laws (Maigesetze), or Falk Laws, of 1873 gave responsibility for the training and appointment of clergy to the state, which resulted in the closing of nearly half of the seminaries in Preußen by 1878. During the discussion of these laws, Rudolf Virchow first used the word “Kulturkampf.” The Falk Laws were named after education minister Adalbert Falk, and they were passed in 1873 were legislative bills enacted in the German Kingdom of Preußen during the Kulturkampf conflict with the Catholic Church.


The 3 Wars for German Unification were:

1- The 1864 Denmark-Preußenn War aka Second Schleswig War (February 1, 1864 – October 30, 1864)

2- 1866 Austrian-Preußenn War (June 14, 1866 - August 23, 1866)

3- 1870-1871 Franco-Preußenn War (July 19, 1870 - May 10, 1871)

August 21, 1869 is when the Gripshövers reached Amerika. That would place the Gripshöver's immigration along with a massive wave of German immigration in the late 19th Century, which our US History textbooks talk about. The Gripshövers would have lived through the Denmark-Preußen War of 1864 and Austrian-Preußen War of 1866, and they would have noticed the war fervor and the Preußisch military machine pumping up, gearing up with war with France, but left before that happened. German unification would happen

“There is, in political geography, no Germany proper to speak of. There are Kingdoms and Grand Duchies, and Duchies and Principalities, inhabited by Germans, and each separately ruled by an independent sovereign with all the machinery of State. Yet there is a natural undercurrent tending to a national feeling and toward a union of the Germans into one great nation, ruled by one common head as a national unit.” – article from the New York Times published in July 1, 1866

Conscription for Preußins would last up until they were 50 years old, and while I'd like to think they limited their conscription powers to only 20 years of age, it was most likely 18, or maybe, even 16 or 15 years old, when the boy became a man, he would be fit to serve the Preußisch army, and the Preußisch army would want to conscript every able bodied man. The youth are the easier to manipulate, and trick into fighting, considering the royalists monarchist preaching about the young Preußisch's patriotic duty, and of man's love of battle, war, and heroism (which World War 1 would show us all is just utter and complete horseshit).

The Gripshövers and the Preußisch Draft

Universal compulsory service was suggested by the Italian statesman, historian, and political philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli (Steven Colbert?) in the 16th century. In 1808, Preußen instituted a system of universal conscription and, after 1815, put it into practice fully, without exemption because of social class or payment. All young men served a specified term of duty for military training.

The Napoleonic era ended the Holy Roman Empire and created new German-speaking states that would eventually form modern Germany. Napoleon I of France reorganized many of the smaller German-speaking states into the Confederation of the Rhine following the battle of Austerlitz in 1805. Essentially this enlarged the more powerful states of the region by absorbing the smaller ones, creating a set of buffer states for France and a source of army conscripts. Neither of the two largest German-speaking states were part of this confederation: the Kingdom of Preußen and the Austrian Empire remained outside the Confederation of the Rhine.

The Holy Roman Empire was formally disbanded in 1806 when the political makeup of Central Europe was reorganized by Napoleon. Voltaire also said about the Holy Roman Empire, it is neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire. Voltaire said about the Preußisch army, “Whereas some states possess an army, the Preußisch army possess a state.”

In the Kingdoms of Italy, Westphalia, the Grand Duchies of Berg and Poland conscription was established, usually as part of wider political and social reforms. In the case of Italy and Westphalia, Napoleon himself wrote the decrees on conscription. It was instituted in Italy in 1802 upon the formation of the Republic of Italy by Francesco Melzi d'Eril (1753–1816), with Napoleon's approval, and was enshrined in the constitution of Westphalia when the state was established in 1807.

When Preußen was defeated in 1806/07 (Battle of Jena and Auerstedt against the French) the military reformers wanted “Wehrpflicht” for all. Since 1813 practically each male Preußen citizen was liable for military service until he turned 50 years old. 20-23 year old males now had to be on active duty for 3 years in times of peace. In times of war all males up to 50 years of age were called to active duty. In 1813/15 approximately 3% of Preußen males were enlisted.

After the Napoleonic Wars ended in 1815, the German states were once again reorganized into a loose confederation: the German Confederation, under Austrian leadership.

The “War of Liberation” against Napoleonic France 1813-14 reevaluated the soldier’s tragic death on the field of slaughter as the hero’s glorious sacrifice for the fatherland. Significantly, this fatherland was no longer defined in terms of the decentralized, pacific, non-aligned and cosmopolitan Holy Roman Empire, but increasingly by reference to blood, soil, language and Protestantism.

During the reforms of Preußen, from 1806-1813, the Preußisch Draft was instituted, and it stayed, even during peacetime. Preußen developed a conscript system based on the principle of universal service, which eventually became the model for the rest of Europe. Its major weakness was the state’s inability to afford, and the army’s inability to absorb, all the eligible men. Nevertheless, Preußen continued to employ this system after the Napoleonic era, so by the time of the Franco-German (Preußen) War (1870–71), it had a mass army of conscripts.

William Gripshöver would have been 9 years old during the Austro-Preußisch War of 1866, and Henry Gripshöver (the one who would be locked up in mental ward in Amerika) would have only been 12 years of age. Perhaps the Preußins only judged their possibilities on how mature the boys were. If the boys had facial hair, then he was drafted. The Holy Roman Empire, as well as the Preußins, like to use the church lists to find the cannon fodder to fight their battles for them. The 3 Wars for German Unification eventually leads to the Unification of Germany, but that only happened in happenstance. It wasn't planned that way. Otto Von Bismarck only wanted land, more territory, people, and resources, to rule over. He was opposed to Revolutionary foment, being an uber conservative, he only cared for what the King wanted, and therefore, was an opportunist, and used his war machine to take as much land as he could. When Hitler spoke about the 3rd Reich, he meant the Holy Roman Empire as the 1st Reich, which was around for about 1,000 years, and Otto Von Bismarck's German unification as the 2nd Reich, which created Germany through “blood and iron”.

At the very most, in 1866, 5 of the Gripshövers could have been conscripted: Johann the Younger (55), Kate the Elder (Kate the 1st) (42), Kate the Younger (Kate the 2nd) (16), Bernard V (15), and 12 year old Henry could have fought in the 1866 Austro-Preußen War. So 12 years of age... maybe... okay. Yeah. The Preußins were a bit barbaric. The German barbarians broke the Roman Empire at the Battle of Teutoburg Forest in 9 AD. Then took it over. Then lost it. Then gained it back, only to lose it again. But they are gaining it back ever so Merkelily. So at the most, it was 5, but usually it was only able bodied men (the 95% Amerikan white female educational establishment doesn't give a shit about war, and considering they're mean to their husbands, they're making the boys into bitches too, which leads to the pussification of Amerika...), and so if we subtract Kate the Elder and Kate the Younger, we're left with Johann the Younger (55), Bernard the 5th (15), and Henry (12). Minus those above 50, and those under 18, then it's zero. So, at the most, 5 could have been conscripted, but most likely, zero were, though it is probable that Bernard V did serve in the army, which depends greatly on his body's maturity and/or the age of conscription in 1866 Preußisch Germany.

Johann the Younger probably served the army, or some peacetime force, during his youthful days. He would have been 37 during the 1848 Revolutions, though, there were other battles for him to have fought in prior to that. His grandfather, and perhaps his father too, both died in 1814, during the Napoleonic Wars, “The War of Liberation”. Johann Gripshover the Younger was only 3 years old then, having to grow up with a father, or a grandfather.

For the Denmark-Preußenn War aka Second Schleswig War (February 1, 1864 – October 30, 1864), in 1864, and just subtracting 2 years from each of their ages, we have 53 year old Johann the Younger, 39 year old Kate Brueggeman the Elder, 14 year old Kate the Younger, 13 year old Bernard the 5th, and 9 year old Henry (plus 3 younger ones), it's even more unlikely that they served in the army in 1864 than in 1866, but in 1869, when they immigrated, and in 1870, when the Franco-Preußisch War started, it is highly likely that several would have been able to be conscripted.

In 1869, and then 1870, respectively, by adding 3 and 4 more years onto their lives, we get a 57/58 year old Johann the Elder, 45/46 year old Kate the Elder (42), 19/20 year old Catherine the Younger, 18/19 year old Bernard V, and a 15/16 year old Henry, a 12/13 year old William Gripshöver, a 9/10 year old Theodore Gripshöver, a 7/8 year old Ferdinand, and a 3-4 year old Josef Gripshöver. With these ages, Bernard V would have definitely been conscripted into the Preußisch Army, maybe Henry, and doubtful, but possibly, William too. Regardless, Bernard Gripshover V would have been conscripted into the army, possibly a second time, and maybe Henry too, though doubtful William would have been called up for their patriotic duty.

So what does all of this mean?

The Preußischs were engaged in much fighting during the time my Gripshöver ancestors lived in Ottmarsbocholt, Westphalia, and therefore, Bernard Gripshover V most likely fought in the 1866 Austro-Preußisch War (a 75% chance), and in the rare instance, he didn't, in 1870, he definitely would have been drafted for the Franco-Preußisch War, and Johann and Kate would have had 2 more right behind him, Henry, who had a high chance of being conscripted (75%; being 15 or 16 years of age), and a maybe chance for 12 or 13 year old William; again, this depends on the age of conscription in Prussia, and William's body's maturity at the time.

Since 1813 practically each male Preußisch citizen was liable for military service until he turned 50 years old. 20-23 year old males now had to be on active duty for 3 years in times of peace. In times of war all males up to 50 years of age were called to active duty.

Preußen and the German states canceled all exemptions from conscription from 1867 onwards, which no doubt scared the Gripshövers, who may have been exempted, since they owned land, and that implies some form of social standing, though it's hard to tell if they were poor dirt farmers, or “middle class” dirt farmers, eating as much bread and potatoes that they wanted. So the Gripshövers had Bernard Gripshover the 5th, and Henry Gripshover the First, who would have both been drafted, and then they had 4 more boys coming up, who, though in 1870 probably wouldn't have been drafted, they would have been serving in the Preußisch Army shortly therefore. Johann Gripshover the Younger would have fought for Prussia in many battles before the Wars of German Unification, but by the 1860s, he was over 50 years old, and therefore was exempt. In times of peace, 20-23 year old males now had to be on active duty for 3 years, and in times of war, all males up to 50 years of age were called to active duty. So having 6 boys, 2 of conscriptable age, and 4 soon to be drafted, the Gripshöver family said fuck that, and moved to Amerika.

The Falk Laws, and other discriminatory laws against the Catholics, where the Church had to give up their many land holdings, weren't outlawed on marrying folks (only by government civil unions), and the Priests and Bishops were being cut out of Preußisch politics, led to the deaths of the 5 Franciscan Nuns, who died on board the Deutschland when it sank in 1875, just 6 years later, after the Gripshöver family had been on board it, for 12-14 days, when they sailed to Amerika in 1869. This anti-Catholic discrimination would have also been major factor for the Gripshövers leaving. Also, the poverty, starvation, food shortage, and crop failures would be significant push factors, and the promise of Amerika, which most Germans knew about, through newspapers, but also through letters of correspondence sent across the Atlantic Ocean, from friends and family, would have been a significant pull factor.

And for Ray, and Chris, and any other hypocritical brown-skinned Confederates who talk about how we don't know our own history, heritage, and culture, at no point, did a single Gripshövers serve in the Amerikan Civil War (1861-1865), since they arrived 4 years after. Even if the Gripshövers had arrived in Amerika at an earlier time, living in Northern Kentucky, it was most likely they would have served in the Union army, considering 80%-90% of the immigrant Germans fought for the Union (including William Justus Goebel's father, which was the avenue he was able to get into politics, being a son of a Union veteran), and John Hunt Morgan attacked Sandfordtown (the hometown of the immigrating Gripshövers), to the chagrin of the blue coats (Union soldiers) stationed there at the time. John Hunt Morgan was known as the “thunderbolt of the Confederacy”, because as the anti-United States of Amerika terrorist that he was, he was fighting in cowardly raids, destroying railroads, telegraph lines, and only taking pop shots at civilian towns, terrorizing women, children, and old civilians, but never engaging directly against the Union military. This is similar to the Pequot War, where the mercenaries of the English land corporations, burned down the Pequot village in 1637, killing all 700 women, children, and old men, while the able bodied male warriors were away (and the basis for the first Thanksgiving Day). That's hardly heroic, and by today's definition of terrorism, the State Department's definition, attacks on a civilian population for political reasons, the English colonists, John Hunt Morgan, and the Confederates would all be treasonous anti-American terrorists, and all deserved the fate of Osama Bin Laden, and ISIS, for being shitty bastards they were. Frederick Douglass also said that “A German has only to be a German to be utterly opposed to slavery. In feeling, as well as in conviction and principle, they are anti-slavery.” Being cannon fodder for the Preußisch War machine, Germans would have wanted to own their own land, to continue farming as they had before, and to be free from conscription, which they would not be able to avoid in World War 1.

In fact, the vast majority of Kentuckians fought for the Union. Kentucky supplied 100,000 Union soldiers (including 24,000 newly freed Black soldiers) versus 25,000 - 40,000 Confederates Kentucky was said to have “seceded after Appomattox”, by electing a bunch of former Confederates into the Governorship, and other political positions of power, and allowing the KKK to murder willy nilly, which includes the Gallatin County Race Riots of 1866

The Preußischs Wars being fought were not fought by volunteers, but by soldiers drafted at the point of a bayonet. The Nazis weren't a departure for the Germans, but a continuation of a deeply embedded Preußisch militaristic culture. Militarism was practiced by the French, the British, and the Amerikans, who can claim the biggest genocide in all human history, with 100 million native Americans dead, which constitutes a genocide 10 times greater than Hitler's genocide; indeed Hitler looked at the asymmetrical warfare of the British colonists, and the subsequent Amerikans (George Washington genocided the first and oldest democracy in human history—the Iroquois) with awe and wonder. Hitler loved paying Cowboys and Indians. Lil Timmy would designate me as an “Indian” when we played Cowboys and Indians. He also made me a Simon Kenton to his Daniel Boone, so he saw the natives as inferior to the colonizing imperializing whites. Militarism even consumed the Catholic Teutonic Knights, the barbarians of the German-speaking tribes, as well as the Roman Empire.

The history of the Preußins were vicious and bloody. Preußen were the first ones to adopt a national educational system, in order to develop obedient soldiers, and worker bees, who loved their Preußisch nation (eventually this Preußisch educational system comes to Amerika by way of Horace Mann, who was used as a conduit, in 1852). Also, Prussia, unlike Amerika, which is protected from foreign invasion by the vast Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, was surrounded on all sides by enemies: France, Austria, Great Britain, and Russia. The militarism of Preußen would have been unbearable, and that would the biggest push factor to get the Gripshövers out of Preußen.

In the United States, the Draft was used in World War 1 and 2, as well as the Civil War. The Imperial German Army had the most professional conscript army in the world when World War I broke out.

During the American Civil War (1861-1865), several states threatened to conscript soldiers as a means of stimulating volunteering. The Federal Militia Act of 1862 gave the President Abraham Lincoln authority to draft 300,000 men, but widespread opposition and increased volunteering provoked by the measure suspended its implementation. The Confederate states enacted the Conscription Act of 1862, drafting men 18 to 35, but the exemptions and substitutions allowed made it less than universal in application. Increasing numbers of men were obtained for the Union forces by the Draft Act of 1863, sometimes called the Enrollment Act. Applying to all men between the ages 20 and 35 and to those unmarried men between 35 and 45, it was designed to prompt additional volunteers. The act provided for draft evasion by permitting substitution, by which a drafted man could hire another to serve for him, and by commutation, through which a drafted man could pay $300 for his release. Although it ignited violent draft riots, especially those that occurred in New York City in July 1863, the law established the principles that every citizen had an obligation to defend the nation and that the federal government could call citizens to service directly without resorting to state action.

The Draft was used during the Vietnam war too.

Billy Crystal voiced his opposition to Muhammad Ali, the most recognized Kentucky face in the world (the second being Colonel Sanders), who stood opposed to serving in the drafting of US men to fight in the War in Vietnam. The Republicans would say that Bill Clinton “dodged” the Vietnam draft during his election campaign in 1992, but were completely silent on how Baby Bush went AWOL while serving on the National Guard, or how Mitch McConnell was kicked out of Fort Knox for sodomy, or neither Sean Hannity, Bill O'Rielly, Glenn Beck, nor Rush Limbaugh, ever served in the military. Sean Hannity's best friend Ted Nugent and frequently guest on his program, crapped his pants to prove he was crazy so he didn't have to serve in Vietnam. The Draft during the 60s and 70s was one of the main factors that united rich and poor alike in their opposition to the Vietnam War. Learning the lessons of Vietnam, the Republicans and Democratic war hawks, and the ruling classes of Amerika, have avoided using the Draft as much they try to evade Ebola, so as to not get the population to turn against them.

The 15th Amendment was passed in 1870, and the 13th and 14th Amendments had already been passed, which outlawed slavery in all of Amerika. So hearing that some Gripshöver ancestors “owned” slaves, it would have been a de facto slavery, not an outright one. They would have been sharecroppers; wage slaves, not the slavery normal folks find so abhorrent, as depicted in Goodbye Uncle Tom, which depicts how Amerikan slavery was the most brutal slavery in all human history. I dare any of you evil ass fuck'n racist Confederate mf'ers to watch Goodbye Uncle Tom, and see what kind of traditions you're carrying on. It's not a Gripshöver heritage at all. It's something else. Plus some of the Gripshöver ancestors having owned slaves is just hearsay and conjecture, so there might not even be much to that claim anyways. It's also added as a side note, that they were benevolent dictators.

3 Gripshöver boys (young men) could have been conscripted for the Franco-Preußisch War (and knowledge that both Johann's father and grandfather fought and died in the Napoleonic Wars in 1814... Waterloo was just short trip down the road from Westphalia), was a major factor in the Gripshöver family hopping tail, and getting out of Dodge, boarding on the Deutschland in Bremerhaven, and onwards to Castle Gardens, and then to Sandfordtown, named after BF Sandford, where a Catholic Church existed, which spoke German, and many other German immigrants. Sandfordtown established the first school in Kenton County, in 1843?, and also, the first fire department for Kenton County also. Before the Franco-Preußen War of 1870 commences (the 3rd war for German unification), the Gripshövers sell their land, and hop a boat ride on over to Kentucky. On his plot of ground in Sandfordtown, Theodore Gripshöver would get to raise his own field of strawberries.

Unfortunately, the newly arrived Gripshövers in Amerika had to endure the Panic of 1873 which was a Great Depression for 6 years in America that was caused by post-Civil-war inflation, overabundance in investments in railroads, a large trade deficit, ripples from economic dislocation in Europe resulting from the Franco-Preußenn War (1870-1871), property losses in the Chicago (1871) and Boston (1872) fires, the move to having the Greenbacks on the Gold-only standard (the stop printing silver Coinage Act of 1873), and Jay Cooke and Company, a RR contractor, fails and declares bankruptcy.


Q116: Who killed William Justus Goebel?

A116: Caleb Powers and Frederick Taylor got Henry Youtsey and Jim Howard to murder the young promising German-Kentuckian politician Goebel.

Q117: What famed German-American anarchist, who was friends with Emma Goldman, went to prison for 2 months in 1902 when he wrote an editorial saying that it was not a crime to slay a tyrant?

A117: Johann Most

Q118: On April 5, 1918, in Collinsville, Illinois, this blind-in-one-eye German man was hung in front of 200 hundred people because he looked like a German Socialist spy.

A118: Robert Paul Prager


Q119: In 1918, the Cincinnati City Council changed all of the street names of German origin: Hamburg St. to Yukon St.; Hapsburg St. to Merrimac St.; Hamburg Street to Stonewall St.; what was 1) Berlin Street; 2) Humboldt Street, and; 3) German Street changed to?

A119: 1) Woodrow Street; 2) Taft Road; 3) German St. to English St.

Q120: During World War 1, the public anti-German sentiment was marked by them changing German names, such as calling “Sauerkraut”... “Liberty Cabbage”, and Dachshunds to “Liberty Pups, and German measles to “Liberty Measles”, and Hamburgers to... what?

A120: Liberty Sandwiches

Q121: During the run-up to the Iraq War, France didn't support us in the Security Council of the United Nations, and so French Fries became known as... what?

A121: Freedom Fries


A break in societal conditions:

Joseph “Mike” Gripshöver, a 30 year old Gripshöver. died in Warsaw, Kentucky, Gallatin County, in a head-on collision with 26-Year Old Former Miss Gallatin County Maria Miller, on December 14, 2012 on US 42.

Rebekah Gripshöver, with a “k”, a 30 year old NKU Alumni Gripshöver died on July 16, 2012.

Ruth Ann Gripshöver, a 19 year old Gripshöver, an honor student at Rappahannock Community Center, was killed with a .357-caliber Magnum pistol gunshot to the head, by her boyfriend, James Darren Rock, of Farnham, in Warsaw, Virginia in 1996.

Catherine “Kate” Gripshöver, Henry Gripshöver I's 2nd daughter, born August 1882, was institutionalized for decades at the Central State for the Mentally Insane aka Lakeland Asylum, in Anchorage, Kentucky.

Anthony Aluysius “Tony” Gripshöver (his OG is Ferdinand), an 18 year old Gripshöver, died drinking and driving, and crashing on Richwood Road, on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 1973, exactly 10 years after JFK was assassinated, to the day, at 11:45pm. Tony Gripshöver's passenger the night he crashed his car in 1973 was 16 Year Old William Rich. He was driving a 1973 Gremlin.

50 year old Clarence Gripshöver, succumbed to his wounds from the Bevelry Hills Supper Club Fire, a mobster joint, on July 1, 1977, which was the 2nd largest death toll for a fire in the US, 165 died, and nobody was ever prosecuted for. Clarence Gripshöver was a Train Engineer.

Theodore Gripshöver (OG) died of Pneumonia when he fell into Banklick Creek, Kenton County, Kentucky, after he was chasing a horse, and left Francis Kunkel-Evers behind with 7 children.

Henry Gripshöver I, an OG had a long white beard, who was known as a “Barn Burner”, was committed several times to a mental ward, and would be shaking his fist at his grandchildren, in front of the house, in front of a long window that went all the way down to the floor, whenever they'd come visit.

Q122: Where does “Over-the-Rhine” (a neighborhood in Cincinnati) get her name?

A122: Miami and Erie Canal used to flow underneath where Central Avenue is built today, and the Miami and Erie Canal was dubbed “the Rhine” because it was located next to a Little Germany that was formed in the same place. The Rhine River is a River in Germany, so “Rhine” was associated with the new German immigrants. The first portion of the Miami and Erie Canal completed in 1827, and the canal flowed between downtown and Over-the-Rhine, which reminded German immigrants of the Rhine River. They dubbed the canal (now Central Parkway) “the Rhine,” and from this grew the name “Over-the-Rhine.” Music Hall, located on Elm Street next to Washington Park. Music Hall was originally called Saengerhalle, and was built in 1878 to give a permanent home to musical performances and expositions. Today, Music Hall is home to the Cincinnati Symphony and Pops Orchestras, Cincinnati Opera, and May Festival. Little Germany, with residents pouring in from various European German states, starting in the 1830s and 40s. People spoke German, ate German food, read German newspapers, and built German-style houses and churches, although it is important to remember that there were many different customs, habits, attitudes, dialects of the German language, religions, and classes present. The Miami and Erie Canal, completed in the Cincinnati area around 1827, ran along what is now Central Parkway, separating Over-the-Rhine from downtown. Pork-packing plants, soap and tallow factories, and various light-industries developed along the canal. Throughout the 1830s, first-generation German immigrants who had originally settled east of Main Street were lured by the low cost of land and wood-frame houses beyond the canal. The working class residents could access the original city (downtown) only by crossing bridges, and they likened this to crossing the Rhine River in Germany: thus the name Over-the-Rhine. But "Over-the-Rhine" may have had a negative connotation, too, and some sources say it originated from the more affluent German families, who made their fortunes in OTR, but who lived in the suburban hills of Mt. Auburn, Walnut Hills, and Clifton.The old St. Mary's Church, with its Greek Revival and Late Victorian architecture, was built in 1842, and is the oldest standing church in Cincinnati. The Roman Catholic church still holds mass in German and Latin, just as it did at its inception. The Miami and Erie Canal was a canal in Ohio that ran about 274 miles (441 km) from Toledo to Cincinnati and created a water route from Lake Erie to the Ohio River. Construction on the canal began in 1825 and was completed in 1845 at a cost to the state government of $8,062,680.07

Q123: 1) Who constructed the 1867 Suspension Bridge in Cincinnati (not the functionally obsolete Brent Spence, but the Roebling Suspension Bridge)?; 2) The Bronze 1871 Fountain Square sitting in the middle of Cincinnati?; 3) America's entire Educational System, from top-to-bottom?

A123: 1) a German, 2) a German, and 3) the Germans; respectively: 1) John Augustus Roebling; grew up first 23 years of his life in Preußen (Muhlhausen Erfurt, Arnsberg); 1867 when Suspension Bridge was constructed; John Augustus Roebling was PreußenN. Born in Preußen. The John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge spans the Ohio River between Cincinnati, Ohio and Covington, Kentucky. When the first pedestrians crossed on December 1, 1866, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world at 1,057 feet (322 m) main span. Today, many pedestrians use the bridge to get between the arenas in Cincinnati (Paul Brown Stadium, Great American Ball Park, and U.S. Bank Arena) and the hotels, bars, restaurants, and parking lots in Northern Kentucky. The bar and restaurant district at the foot of the bridge on the Kentucky side is known as Roebling Point. John Augustus Roebling (born Johann August Röbling, June 12, 1806 – July 22, 1869) was a German-born American civil engineer. He is famous for his wire rope suspension bridge designs, in particular, the design of the Brooklyn Bridge. 2) Ferdinand Von Miller. Indian Mound stood where Fountain Square is today. Dedicated in 1871. Von Miller was born in Fürstenfeldbruck. After a sojourn at the academy in Munich and a preliminary engagement at the royal brass foundry, Miller traveled to Paris in 1833, where he learnt from Soyer and Blus the varied technique necessary for bronze working. He also visited England and the Netherlands, and after his return to Munich worked under his teacher and uncle Stiglmayr, whom the Crown Prince Ludwig had induced to devote himself to bronze foundry work and to the establishment of the Munich foundry as a state institution. Miller soon took his uncle's place, and upon the death of the latter was appointed inspector of the workshop. He soon won for it a worldwide reputation, and for himself a fortune and position of influence. 3) the Preußenns; 1818 Preußen; 1806 Preußen;

Q124: How long did Sandfordtown, named after BF Sandford, exist?

A124: 94 years; 1843-1937

Q125: When did the Holy Guardian Angels Catholic Church close?

A125: 1958


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