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Johnathan Masters' Videos

*Pro-Justice for Samantha Ramsey

January 27, 2015 was an exciting day for me.

The Revolution isn't a violent Revolution. The Revolution can't be a violent Revolution. The Revolution must be, and therefore is, a peaceful Electoral Revolution. And I believe in the Revolution, with my entire heart, soul, mind, and being.

*Dam the Kentucky River, and Create Gatewood's Lake in the Eastern Kentucky mountains.

The Machine knows what to do with violence. A violent Revolution would be a bloodbath. It's not even an option. What the machine doesn't know how to react to, is when folks have fun and enjoy themselves, peaceful direct action, militant non-violence, love, humor, friendship, camaraderie, solidarity, democracy, etc. They only understand violence. So violence paints a clear dark bloody disgusting horrendous vivid picture to the end of the Revolution. It must be rejected in totality. Understand that the Counter-Revolutionaries will attempt to use violence, being the psychopathic immoral wicked despicable Reactionaries they are, just as they did in Europe in 1849. Many times, the attempted Revolution—a Rebellion—will be turned back around, and a much harsher repression, in the name of all freedom the Revolution contained, will happen. Egypt's Revolution failed. Tunisia's Revolution succeeded. The Egyptians won the hearts and mind of the world, but they didn't achieve power. The 1848 Springtime of European Nations Revolution lost because the Counter-Revolutionaries paid one half of the poor to attack the other half. The middle intelligensia bourgeois class didn't make the connection to working class peoples, peasants, serfs, slaves, wage slaves, etc, how the Revolution would benefit them, and get them on board with it. Solidarity is a hard thing to achieve. Even though we fight for the 99%, it takes a small dedicated minority to get the thing accomplished. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

There's other Revolutions more than Political Revolutions. There's Social Revolutions, Evolutionary Revolutions, Scientific Revolutions, and Industrial Revolutions. The Revolution is a Revolution of Love. Since we can only use logic, reason, observation, experiment, acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis, Scientific reasoning is essential for our understanding of reality, and how to progress from there. Writing the 100 Greatest Books list made me realize that I couldn't peacefully consider Scientific Revolutions, i.e. making inventions, work on engineering, thinking about how things work, and how to make those things better because of the impending Republican Class War coming with the election of a Republican Governor in Kentucky. I wish I was speaking rhetorically, but this is serious. Peaceful tranquility is needed for pure Science to flourish. A free and creative culture is a must, is an absolute necessity. The Republican Nazi corporatists shocked” Chile's economy into a pure laizze-faire casino style wild wheel and deal 'em capitalism after assassinating Salvador Allende in 1973. Chile remained right-wing fascist totalitarian for decades afterwards. Capitalism by the gun. If your idea needs violence to enforce it, then you're idea isn't worth diddly crap. Evo Morales is doing a great job, today, in the New Internet Age, and so elections, and democracy does, and can, work for the people. The Electoral Revolution is when we the people start to Occupy government seats. We need as many regular people into office as we can get. Just voting isn't enough. We need to be the change we wish to see in the world, or we will be governed by our inferiors. Scientific progress is really the only progress Humanity has ever made. There's no denying a Scientific Truth, no matter how the papist determines their “truth”. Haiti's economy has been devastated because of “Neoliberalism”, aka “The Washington Consensus”. The Washington Consensus says that free market democracies are the inevitable ends of history, and it made Francis Fukuyama really sad, because now... we can be smart, and peaceful. We can work on business and trade, and learn to work with others, instead of imposing our will onto others. Now we can bask in our namesake: Freedom. Freedom is what it's all about. Freedom isn't just a virtue. Freedom is a necessary condition for Humanization, our awakening. Our nation was conceived with some of the Enlightenment thoughts, but we haven't sorted all of that out yet. I dream of a 2nd Enlightenment Era. Now, we are stuck in a Gilded Age.

Kentucky needs many Scientific Revolutions. We need 10,000 scientists just for a single breakthrough. Kentucky is still stuck in the Dark Bronze Ages, and it's time we progress, into the 21st Century, into the Postmodern Age, into the Globalized world, and start leading the United States from the front, instead of from behind. But we can't have our Progressive Intelligent Passionate Internet Industrial Postmodern Scientific Revolution until we first have a People's Revolution.

The Anti-War Speech That Put Eugene Debs in Prison For Years:

I filed to run for Lieutenant Governor (I had to look up how to spell Lieutenant, and probably should commit it's spelling to my permanent memory bank) with Geoffrey Young on Tuesday, January 27, 2015. It was the final day to file for Governor, and we got to the Capitol with our papers and money in hand, just shortly after Noon.I was frustrated that there was little media around, and the little media that was around, forgot to quote anything me or Geoff said.

I said that a Young-Masters ticket would bring Kentucky much prosperity, and would make Kentucky greener. I also said that I would debate the other Lieutenant Governors running in the campaign. I said Kentucky would be rich beyond our wildest dreams.

Karen and Phillip Are Getting Married Today:

What's in a label? Some print news called me an “unemployed student”, and that's not accurate. I did say that I was a “student”, and then corrected myself, and said that I was “unemployed”, but that was in the response to question: “What do you do?” I do not have a job right now, and I do not like it. I have been working on being a High School Social Studies, but so far, the job search hasn't panned out as I would have liked for it to. For some reason, a Quality Teacher isn't able to find work. I can do more, and try harder, but I'm working on it. In the meantime, I'm working on a campaign to get Geoff Young elected, and through fundraising, I'll be able to pay myself with a tiny percentage of the funds I raise. So I'll be paying myself, and I currently have a full-time job. So “unemployed” isn't even accurate. I'm at the very least, a campaign coordinator, and at the very most, a Lieutenant Governor. I am a student of life, and I have a job, so I'm not sure how to answer that question for the next time.

What do you do?

I am a fairly young politician. I'm a revolutionary community organizer activist. That's what I do. It's what I breathe. I wear the Revolution on my sleeve.

So the media ignored all that Geoff and I said to them on January 27, 2015, and got it wrong. I don't blame them, but I do blame them for only printing me in the worst light possible, and ignoring the calls for debates with our respective candidates. They did pick up Geoff's list of 4 issues he's going to be tackling throughout the campaign: 1) Energy Policy; 2) Abortion; 3) Racism, and; 4) Class War. So that's progress. He found himself a Lieutenant Governor, and now, Geoff can run the Governor's campaign he wants to run, exactly as he wants to run it.

The media, many times, have ignored my input into different situations, and I've also seen misspellings of my name, and an incorrect age.

I have had struggle in my life, but who hasn't? I'm a regular Kentucky citizen. I'm an average voter. I've have had financial, family, school, government, and legal issues. And I have been wronged many times. It happens to the best of us. But attack politics is what the Republicans do, and Democrats should be better than that. Democrats should talk about the issues, and about what the best possible solutions to Kentucky's problems are. Bump plans. Seriously sit down, and hash out the differences, similarities, and get a plan of action in place. Have a vision. Be serious. Don't be childish. $100 million into attack politics? Kentucky has too many issues for us to play politics, and play these stupid childish Mitch McConnell games. Mitch showed the world that the theater of politics is more important than the actual governance of politics, and it shouldn't be that way. Kentucky has too many issues to be McConnelling. With 4 Republicans running for Governor, they may get their act together, and start to do Lincoln-Douglass debates throughout Kentucky. The Democrats should preempt this, and start a cordial friendly conversation about what we believe the problems are, and then discuss what the solutions are to those problems. Racism, Abortion, Energy Policy, Class War. It's all about the Economics, for the rich and poor alike. We should talk about where Kentucky is currently, take a real hard serious look at ourselves, and then talk about where we want Kentucky to progress towards, with 100 year projections, for the many generations of Kentuckians coming to be.

Perhaps Geoff Young's superior policy is what they are afraid of. They don't want to compare Young's policy for Kentucky compared to Conway's because they know that Young's policies are better than Conway's, assuming he will have any. They don't want to talk about the issues, or policy, because they know they will lose when a fair and balanced side-by-side comparison is made by an informed and active public citizenry.

I am one with nature. I am one with the world. I am one with the universe. I'm made up of star stuff.

All non-violent prisoners need to be released. All prisoners in jail for debt need to be released, per the Kentucky Constitution, Section 18.

Me filing for Lieutenant Governor was a line of demarcation. Before January 27, 2015, I was a citizen trying to be heard about my political opinions, and would seek to gesticulate, cuss, provocatively title videos, write lots of tags, in order to get more hits. That was before, when I was unheard. Now being in a position of representing my beloved Bluegrass, I am now more diplomatic with my words. I have a platform, and I have a microphone. And Geoff shows me that you can be radical AND you can be gentle. 

This campaign with transform me, and it will transform Kentucky. We will transform each other.

My Political Videos:

The 2010 Republican Senate Race for Kentucky:

The 2010 Democratic Senate Race for Kentucky:

Kentucky Governor History, Last 20 Years (a great youtube video I made):

4 Democratic Candidates for the 2014 US Senate race against Mitch McConnell:

5 Republican Candidates for 2014 US Senate race against Mitch McConnell:

Kentucky County Sheriff Arrests County Judge-Executive:

Mitch McConnell at Fancy Farm, 2014:

District 7, School Board Debate, Louisville, Kentucky:

Meredith v. Jefferson County Board of Education (the overturning of integration, and the welcoming of re-segregation):

The Sequestor's Impact on Kentucky (not just a pittance):

Ashley Judd for Kentucky Senator, 2014:

The Blaine Hudson Story (2012):

A Power Struggle for the County Fair:

10,000 Homeless Folks in Louisville:

Tribute for Gatewood Galbraith:

The Truth About St. Patrick's Day:

Why Do We Have Traffic Laws?

2010 Youtube Ad for My State Representative Campaign:

Drew Thorton Case on Justified:

Patrick Doyle and the Largest Slave Uprising in Kentucky:

My Revolution Theory on Education:

The Dark and Bloody Genesis of Kentucky, Volume 1:

De La Salle Discovers Kentucky:

Review of “Wrath”, the book:

Politics in Kentucky, Is The Damnedest:

Kentucky Loves Mitt Romney:

I read “Resist or Become Serfs”, an article by Chris Hedges:

I read “Occupy” a book by Noam Chomsky:

I read out of Susan Forward's book, “Toxic Parents”:

Hitler is an Evolutionary Racist:

Best of Johnathan D. Masters, 2010:

History of Glencoe, Kentucky:

The Blooming of a Evening Primrose:

Remembering the Year 1992:

Highlight Reel for Travis Davis:

Trimble County vs. Gallatin County:

The People of Meadow Creek:

Students for Industrial Hemp:

Christmas in Warsaw, Kentucky:

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

Most Kentuckians dont have a real choice at hte ballot box, so therefore, they dont turnout to vote. So a Young Masters ticket will increase turnout rate for Democrats, esp for hte youth, the disenchanted, and marginalized.

The “I Am Unique” Video:

My Dream Platform:

27 Kentucky Resolutions (2015)

Kentucky Land, LLC
Kentucky Coal, LLC
Kentucky Water, LLC
Kentucky Food, LLC
Kentucky Homes, LLC

Kentucky Clothes, LLC
Kentucky Corporate Headquarters, LLC
Kentucky Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI), LLC
Kentucky Marijuana, LLC
Kentucky Electricity, LLC

Kentucky Elections, LLC
Kentucky Media, LLC
Kentucky Farmers, LLC
Kentucky Labor Unions, LLC
Kentucky Banks, LLC

Kentucky Family, LLC
Kentucky Maturity, LLC
Kentucky Child Care, LLC
Kentucky Hospitals, LLC
Kentucky Schools, LLC

Kentucky Internet, LLC
Kentucky Automobiles, LLC
Kentucky Computers, LLC
Kentucky Sewage, LLC
Kentucky Taxes, LLC

Kentucky Politicians, LLC
Kentucky Gasoline, LLC

11.400 Duties of Lieutenant Governor.
(1) In addition to the duties prescribed for the office by the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the duties of the Lieutenant Governor shall be as follows:

(a) To serve as vice chairman of the State Property and Buildings Commission as prescribed by KRS 56.450;

(b) To serve as vice chairman of the Kentucky Turnpike Authority as prescribed in KRS 175.430;

(c) To serve as a member of the Kentucky Council on Agriculture in accordance with KRS 247.417;

(d) To appoint one (1) member of the Public Officials' Compensation Commission as provided in KRS 64.742;

(e) To serve as a member of the Board of the Kentucky Housing Corporation in accordance with KRS 198A.030; and

(f) To serve as a member of Kentucky delegations on the following interstate compact commissions or boards:

1. The Southern Growth Policies Board as prescribed by KRS 147.585;

2. The Breaks Interstate Park Commission as provided in KRS 148.225;

3. The Falls of the Ohio Interstate Park Commission pursuant to KRS 148.242;

4. The Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway Development Authority pursuant to KRS 182.305;

5. The Interstate Water Sanitation Control Commissions as prescribed by KRS 224.18-710; and

6. The Kentucky Mining Advisory Council for the Interstate Mining Compact as provided by KRS 350.310.

(2) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the Governor and Lieutenant Governor from agreeing upon additional duties within the executive branch of the state government to be performed by the Lieutenant Governor.

My Debate with State Representative Royce Adams (2010):

My active Youtube account:

A Resolution for a People's Vote on a Constitutional Convention:


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