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The State of Marijuana in Kentucky

Right now, January 23, 2015, there are 4 states in the USA that has full blown legalization of marijuana already passed, already on the books, already with marijuana stores, coffee shops, businesses, etc. Those four states are: 1) Alaska; 2) Colorado; 3) Oregan, and; 4) Washington. In all 4 of these American States, “the sale and possession of marijuana is legal for both medical and non-medical use”. D.C. has also legalized marijuana.

23 States in America have legalized some type of medical marijuana, including Kentucky with CBD last year.

North Korea has legalized marijuana. I know, the “Axis of Evil”, the horrible totalitarian dictatorship of Kim Jung-Un's North Korea, has legalized marijuana, whereas 46 States in America, the greatest, richest, freest country in the world, have not legalized outright yet. Also around the world, Bangladesh, Czech Republic, Portugal, Uruguay, and the Netherlands have legalized marijuana.

Kentucky's evolution on marijuana in the past two years has sent hopeful signals of greater change, though they could also be an attempt to put Kentucky on a marijuana-less future.

In April of 2013, Hemp becomes legal in Kentucky. James Comer, the Agricultural Commissioner, issues licenses to qualifying applicants, and farmers throughout the state are allowed to raise all the hemp they want to raise. This is a “pilot” program, which allows Kentucky farmers to sell as much hemp as they they want to raise, although it needs to be raised for a specific research purpose declared on the hemp application.

Where are Kentucky's candidate for Governor currently on this issue, and will it be an issue for the 2015 Gubernatorial campaign?

The candidates for Kentucky Governor so far are as follows:


1 – Hal Heiner and K.C. Crosbie
2 – Will Scott and Menifee County Sheriff Rodney Coffey
3 – James Comer and State Senator Christian McDaniel
4 – Robert Lee Hosier and John Yuen


1 – Jack Conway and Sannie Overly
2 – Geoff Young and ?

The last day to file for Governor is: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 4:30pm. File at Kentucky State Capitol Building, 700 Capital Avenue #152, Frankfort, KY 40601. (502) 564-3490

Kentucky's Gubernatorial candidates on marijuana:

Hal Heiner is a Republican, so he's against legalization.

Will T. Scott has been throwing people in to jails, and ruining their lives as Supreme Court Judge. Now, resigned, Will T. Scott is running on the issue of expanding the War on Drugs to include mandatory drug testing on our children in the school systems. He's willing to use tax dollars to build new juvenile prisons to throw more children behind bars, where they belong.

James Comer legalized hemp, but hasn't said anything publicly about legalizing marijuana.

Jack Conway is against Stumbo's 2015 medical marijuana bill, and he's against legalizing it. Jack thinks CBD and hemp is enough legalization to make Kentucky's farmers rich again. Jack doesn't care if cancer kills your grandparents, or loved ones, he'll stay against marijuana just out of spite. If Conway, Beshear, Frankfort, etc, were serious about the herion epidemic, they'd legalize marijuana. If they wanted higher tax revenues, they would legalize marijuana. It's only a trillion dollar industry Jack. Jack Conway has been against marijuana his entire life. Jack Conway doesn't get Kentucky. Kentucky's #1 cash crop is Marijuana. Jack Conway has been taking Millions, maybe Billions, of tax payer Dollar Bills in order to run Operation Unite, a rogue military operation designed to terrorize the good people of eastern Kentucky. For nearly a decade, or not more, Kentucky has had expensive helicopters flying over out heads, searching for hemp plants in the Appalachian mountains, where there's 30% unemployment, and the poorest region in the entire country... in coal country. Jack Conway ran a nasty ad against Rand Paul in order to help his failing fledgling campaign a few years back attacking Rand Paul on his stance on marijuana. Rand Paul said that the federal solution isn't working, meaning, he's against the War on Drugs. Trey Grayson ran an ad saying Rand was in favor of all drugs, and Rand Paul never denied this.

Geoff Young is in favor of the legalization of marijuana.


Robert Lee Rosier, Hal Heiner, Will Scott, James Comer, and Jack Conway are all against Marijuana, even though it comes naturally out of the ground, isn't limited like coal is, has a great potential for enriching Kentucky behind her wildest dreams.

Geoff Young is the only candidate in the race right now for the legalization of marijuana.



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