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Child Abuse is Bullshit

Andy Beshear, aka Baby Beshear, Kentucky's Democratic candidate for Attorney General, has vowed to fight against child abuse. He's going to strengthen the laws, which is great news. In fact, Julie Adams of Louisville, a female Republican state senator got some child abuse laws passed this past year. Now, because of Adams' efforts, if you beat a baby to death, you'll be charged with murder. Apparently, Kentucky didn't think that beating a baby to death was murder. I'm glad that's changed. But that's the Republicans in Frankfort passing laws strengthening provisions that protect children from getting abused, mentally, physically, emotionally, and sexually from their parents. This is great news! This is something both parties can rally behind, and stop. Child abuse does nobody any good. Children aren't pets we own. Children are “catch-and-release”. It's like you caught yourselves a wild wolf, and it's a parents job to get them to function property in society. Roots and Wings. You own a pet until it dies. You don't own your own children until they die. They aren't property. They are themselves. And eventually, when they turn 18 years old, they become adults, and are expected to be radically self-reliant. They should fly from the nest, not just pushed out. We want our children to be able to get a job, and do well in this world. We don't want them to be penned up in the yard, begging for scraps of food, until the day they die. We want them to be smart, intelligent, savvy, clever, autonomous, independent. We want them to kick ass and take names. To not take any bullshit from anybody. But how can they be all that they can be, when taking bullshit is all that you taught them, and all that they know?

But there's areas in Kentucky who love hitting children. That's what they do on their days off from work. Child beaters get together, and they beat children up. Usually it's husband and wives, hitting children behind closed doors in their own house. “Everyone thinks that we're perfect. Please don't let them look through the curtains.” When they're not waving their confederate flags, talking about “niggers”, and dreaming about when the south is gonna rise agin, they're smacking children around. For poor stupid powerless people, it's the only power they feel, and they love it! But what sucks for those areas of Kentucky, is that since even the Republicans are passing laws in Frankfort strengthening legal protections for children, this means that the child-beaters don't have any political party to go to. These pockets of child abusers are now all alone, on a deserted island somewhere, fighting against their own flesh and blood, just for the fuck of it. Just to feel powerful. Just to take out their frustrating bad day on somebody they view as inferior to them. Not because they thought carefully about how they were going to raise their children, or because they wanted to put their parenthood plans into action, no, no, no. It's because they're lazy. It's because they're lazy, and because their parents hit them, and clearly, they turned out okay, so what's the problem?

Well, the problem is that you don't empathize with children being hit. What about adults? What about women? Is it okay for a child to hit an adult? No? Really? How about, is it acceptable for one adult to pummel another adult, say, like a punch in the face? No on that one too? Now, now, now. You can't do that. You must pick one or the other. If you can hit children, and they can't hit... well, first of all, the fight isn't even fair, since, you know, kids are like 50 pounds and shorter than 5 feet, but now, you're allowed to hit defenseless human beings, without even the possibility or threat of being hit back? Wtf?

A part of me just wants to say “fuck 'em”, because they're ruining their own progeny, but when your abused child attacks my child, then it's over for them, and their abusers, and maybe, that's what's best for everybody all around. As a society, we don't want to have a bunch of broken individuals, who don't know real love, who don't know who they are, or why nobody gives a shit that they were bullied and pummeled, and then they lash out, not at the perpetrators, but at innocents folks, weak folks, folks they believe to be inferior to them, folks they can get away with treating like shit, since, that's exactly what they were trained to do.

The true measure of a society is how well they treat their children. Mortality rates help too. Because of child abuse, is it any wonder that there's so much domestic violence, elder abuse, police brutality, prison rapes, and war in general? Child abuse proves that might makes right, which means that violence DOES solve problems! That's what violent people teach their own children. If the child isn't of the age of reason, then they don't know why you're hitting them. If the child is of the age of reason, then talk to them. The best way to calm an out of control child: talk to them.

But for a child abuser, that's beyond their understanding of the world. It's also so time consuming! If you talk to children, then you must speak to them at their level, and then, after you say what you wanted to say, they may even talk back to you! OMG! Did you hear what I just said? “Talk back”... ie “backtalk”, as in, “Don't backtalk me, boy.” Okay, great. Wonderful. “Backtalk” is just me responding to what you just said to me, and since the world is divided amongst oppressors and the oppressed, then Americans are training their children, by the bushel, to be always be the oppressed. To never stand up for themselves, or others. To train their conscience to become immune to injustice. To watch a victim get victimized, and to not say anything. Like a gazelle who just got caught by a lion. Like when a civilian gets pulled over for speeding. To take the side of the oppressor. Silence is betrayal. If you remain neutral during situations of injustice, then you have taken the side of the oppressor (Desmond Tutu). MLK quoted Dante as saying, “The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in period of moral crisis who maintain their neutrality.”

Adam Edelen, Kentucky's Democratic candidate for State Auditor, is also speaking out against child abuse. Adam Edelen and Baby Beshear! Adam Edelen is the Michael Jordan of Southern Democrat politics. It seems to be one of the few issues these 2 major candidates have chosen to speak about, and wow. Evidently, they believed that there's other Kentuckians who believe that child abuse is wrong, and I must admit, that's quite comforting. For too long, I've been alone. Alone during my childhood, being bullied, and alone in my adulthood, coping, healing, strengthening that which happened during my formative years. Plus dealing with an unjust criminal justice system that would rather punish the victims of abusers, instead of the abusers themselves. Baby Beshear would fix that. He would be the Attorney General, enforcer of the law, and sometimes, the writer of policy, when the policy is murky. Adam Edelen should kick his opponent's ass, because Edelen rocks, and Mike Harmon ain't shit, and rightfully so, since Edelen is going to be President one day. I thought 5 issues was a good number, for my Lieutenant Governor's race, I had 10 for my state representative race... in both races, playing a numbers game, telling the truth, you'll get 20-21% of the vote of the electorate. Just by playing the numbers. I'd like to win the next time I run, but I saw a man in need, and helped him out. Helping him also helped me, somewhat.

Edelen audits the shit outta everybody, is honest, cleaned Richie Farmer up, “put him through the warsh”, as ol' Will T. would say, speaks in favor of ObamaCare, and says that those who are anti-ObamaCare are anti-Christian. Here's two more quotes of Edelen's:

“Stick out your chin, Matt [Bevin], this one's gonna hurt.”

“Put down the books of Ayn Rand, and pick up the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John!”

So child abuse... yeah. Child abuse is bullshit. It's such bullshit. Violence is bullshit. Violence, Stealing, Rape, and Murder are the 4 worst crimes one person can inflict upon another person, and yet, one of the 4 most wicked things we can do to each other, we allow, some encourage, others celebrate and champion, the use of violence against their children, and like the police, they hit first, and ask questions later. If the child isn't of the age of reason, then you hitting them doesn't mean shit, because they don't know why you're hitting them. If the child is of reason, then fuck'n reason with them! Goddamnit! How is that not obvious? Because children are catch-and-release, it is upon society to care about how children are being treated in their own homes. It does take a village, because a child who goes psycho on others, for whatever reasons, is detrimental to society, and so broken parents who multiply with broken children do a disservice to us all. Sure, you have a right to raise your children however you want to raise them, but when your child hits my child, because you're an abusive parent, then I have a problem with the job of parenting that you're clearly not doing. It's harder to talk to your children, to reason with them, to make them understand, but it's better for them, to not be beating the shit out of them, because they understand. It's also better for you.

Children should be easy to raise. Because children are naïve, trusting, innocent, and because you are bigger than them, children just want to appeal to you. They want you to like them. Just you not liking them can get them to do what you want... my God... I mean, how easy would it to be a minimalist parent, watching your child do for themselves, think for themselves, and govern their own lives? You get to watch your child's personality blossom, and then you can make subtle suggestions about the bigger questions of life, inspire them to become something great, a doctor, or an engineer, or a movie star, or whatever dreams they truly hold onto. This is America, so why keep on doing Bronze Age shit? Why allow the cloak of religion to numb you to be so immune, that you aren't even able to love your own children? And we're allowing violent psychopaths to hit children “for their own good”? Does that make sense to anybody?  


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