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What A Matt Bevin Kentucky Will Look Like

Bad things a Matt Bevin Kentucky will bring forth:

*fascism, the wedding of corporations and the State
*Bilderberg Group, 1%, Bankers will gut Kentucky out
*shock doctrine on economy; millions of Kentuckians will scream
*cockfighting institutionalized
*Christian Sharia Law, anti-gay bigots empowered, ie more Kim Davis's, less bakeries
*Coal Crowned King, ergo, the rape of Appalachia and Frankfort by Big Coal, LLC will go unimpeded
*death knell of labor unions, and collective bargaining for working class people
*Bevin Death Panels, death of Kynect and ObamaCare, more sick people
*everybody's getting drug tested, both grandparents and students will be pissed tested
*more cowbells
*planned parenthood defunded, more coat hanger abortions in the alleys
*anti-Violence Against Women Act


Good things a Matt Bevin Kentucky will bring forth:

*Matt Bevin changes everything
*closet homosexual
*9 children in a cool integrated family, great for a political dynasty
*perhaps corruption, or “redundant” state workers will be fired (like 41 jailless jailers, read Section 205 to see how to easily get rid of them); Bevin will fire (and hire) lots of state workers. Perhaps the corrupt will be fired, and not hired.
*Matt Bevin quotes Mark Twain
*pro-medical marijuana, with a doctor's prescription
*taking down Jefferson Davis statue in Capitol rotunda?
*ran ideal campaign
*confident “face” for Kentucky
*anti-Patriot Act
*charter schools (since public schools have failed)


Kentucky's Governor's election isn't a litmus test for the rest of the nation. Kentucky is #1 for Cancer. #1 for Child Abuse. #1 for Pollution. #1 for Insanity. Just name a ranking, and we're on the bottom 10 of that list. PLUS, Kentucky voted for Hillary over Obama in 2008, and then McCain over Obama in that general election. Cynthia McKinney wasn't even allowed on the ballot, and UK was hanging Obama effigies in their trees. Heck, at 6pm, nearly as soon as the polls closed, Kentucky was the first state to vote for John McCain. Then Kentucky voted Mitt Romney in 2012 just as quickly. The electorate (apparently, the majority of the 30% who turned out to vote) are racist, so it's not a shocker that they voted for bigotry this time around. Hell, ever since Kentucky won the Civil War, they've been sympathizing with the Confederates, especially in 1877, once Reconstruction failed, and the Freedman's Bureaus were kicked out.

But the main reason why I know that racism was a factor is because I live in Kentucky. I'm born and bred here. If it wasn't for racism, Kentuckians wouldn't know what else to talk about.


Of Course Racists Voted Republican, That's What They Do

Richard Nixon used a “Southern Strategy” in order to get elected. Nixon was opposed to busing. Busing! Who nowadays is opposed to busing? Aren't we all in agreement that school kids need to get to school, and that their main vehicle to transport them, is with school buses? Hell, rural kids wouldn't even go to school if it wasn't for the buses.

Nixon didn't come right out and say that he didn't like Black folks. You can't do that. You can't be blatantly racist. You have to pick certain issues... talking about crackheads, or welfare queens, or ObamaCare, especially ObamaCare, that's how you get the racists on your side. Look at all of the anti-Obama ads. This is Obama's last year in office, and yet, a barrage of anti-Obama ads. And look at how the Democrats ran away from their President, their President who has passed more major pieces of legislation since Truman. Canadians are wondering why so many Americans hate Obama so much... look at the candidates for President right now. Does Trump have the charisma of Barack? How about Rand Paul? Ben Carson? The anti-Obama ads may have had an effect this year, which is shocking, to be honest, considering it's Obama's last year.. But just talk to an Obama hater, and ask them... well, first just ask them what they think about Black people. That usually outs a racist pretty quickly. Black people are cool, some aren't, but most are. They're fine, but a racist can't answer that question because to a wyte supremacyst, they think all Black folks are niggers. Not some Black folks. But all of them. But next, ask them which of the Presidential candidates they're liking now. I've noticed that some racists, since they're the boss, the slave master, the oppressor, they'll usually just say all politicians are crooked, and that's why they don't have anything to do with it. That's a cop out. But most likely, if they did answer, their answers wouldn't be enlightening. They wouldn't be illuminating. They'll give crappy answers, or they won't have an opinion, for the same reason for why they're racist: because they're stupid.

Matt Bevin appealed to the racists because of the anti-Obama ads, Bevin's anti-Obama stance, and because of the drug testing of welfare recipients, including Medicaid and/or Medicare. Drug testing has been proven to not be cost effective, but what does scientific facts matter to Bevin? Wanting to pull Obama's signature piece of legislation up root and branch only makes sense if you want to undermine everything Obama ever did while in office for his entire 8 year term. Everything Obama did was wrong? Like funding the troops? Paying for colleges? Getting America out of a recession? Killing Bin Laden?

Clearly, Matt Bevin doesn't think that healthcare is a human right. 600,000 Kentuckians are currently on ObamaCare, but now, Matt Bevin death panels are coming. Literal death panels. Matt Bevin will be the one picking and choosing who gets to keep their healthcare, and who doesn't. Matt Bevin death panels.

Some folks say that Matt picking Janean Hampton proves that he's not racist. That doesn't prove jack shit. Janean Hampton is as racist as Clarence Thomas. Janean Hampton is an uncle tom, a traitor to Black people. She pretends that because she was able to make it out of Detroit's poverty that anybody is able to do it. Well, the military is a government job, so she's not a purist when comes to having no government in our lives. Janean Hampton succeeded because of government spending. Hell, so did Matt Bevin. Another reason why Janean Hampton was able to “rise above her impoverished conditions” was because she's a woman. Wyte supremacysts really hate Black men. As Dave Chapelle once said, “With the men, I see race. When it comes to women, my dick is a humanitarian.” Even slave owners couldn't keep their hands off of their slaves. Thomas Jefferson elevated Sally Hemmings while the rest of field Negroes kept on picking cotton.

But more importantly, Janean Hampton pretends like luck has nothing to do with it. She looks back at the poor area she came from, and scoffs at the poor Blacks in Detroit, and looks down on them as inferior. Both Matt Bevin and Janean Hampton went around saying how Janean didn't pretend to be a victim, didn't make excuses, and rose up and took ownership of her life. These are code words implying that Black folks pretend to be victims, makes excuses for themselves, and do not take ownership of their lives. It's racist. It's common shit racists say all the time. Basically, Black folks are poor because they're Black. Culturally speaking.

Matt Bevin's primary victory speech (with hilarious, and insightful, commentary):

There's no doubt that one needs to work hard in order to take care of themselves economically in America. Our microeconomics falls upon our heads, and our heads only. That's how capitalism works. While we may not get all we work for, that which we do get, will only come about through hard work.

But there's also life choices. There's foundations, security, storage and protection of property. Bevin and Hampton minimize society's influences, and pretend as if luck has got nothing to do with it. Machiavelli said that success in life is 50/50: half skill and the other half, luck.

Matt Bevin choosing Janean Hampton was a racist decision. Matt Bevin specifically picked a Black woman as Lieutenant Governor to shield himself from charges of racism, so folks can say, “You see, I'm not racist, I have a Black friend!” Yeah, and the Black friend of Bevin's is a Black person who speaks ill of Black folks in general, speaking down to them. Janean Hampton is just a front. Just like Mitch McConnell's and Bevin's position on the Jefferson Davis statue in the Capitol rotunda was just a front. Bevin said he wanted to see that Jefferson Davis statue come down. I bet it never does.

Matt Bevin isn't a rabid wyte supremacyst. Matt Bevin doesn't go around flying the Confederate flag, and talking about “nigger” this and “nigger” that, as many Kentuckians do. Matt Bevin picking Janean Hampton was a change of pace, just as him adopting Black kids is also a change of pace. No wyte supremacyst would ever do that. It's different, and I welcome progress on that front, but on that front only. Matt Bevin isn't racist on the surface. Unlike many Kentuckians, Bevin doesn't wear his racism proudly, on his sleeve, for the world to see. At the very least, Bevin's a racialist, because, well, virtually everybody in America is. Seeing differences in culture doesn't mean hating that culture. It's just an observation.

“Dan the man” didn't seem too enthused at his father's acceptance speech after he won the election. Matt Bevin's Black kids won't grow up “black”, as in culturally, but culturally “white” with black skin. I hope he doesn't ignore their blackness, or pretend like it's not there. Dan the Man will have to deal with bigotry and racism, and that's a fact. Perhaps Bevin's Black kids can make Bevin see the light. I hope so. Ignoring their blackness won't.

During the campaign, after Dylann Roof killed those 9 Black folks in church, Matt Bevin and Mitch McConnell called for the Jefferson Davis statue to come down. If, and only if, the Jefferson Davis statue comes down, then I'll change my mind on Bevin's thoughts about race.


Some Praise for Bevin, and On Why Jack Lost

Matt Bevin isn't Tea Party. He's rejected that label all along. Jean Hampton is. She was the chair of some Tea Party group in Bowling Green, Kentucky's de facto Confederate Capitol at the onset of the Civil War.

How can Kentuckians look at a man who made his money from Hedge Funds, a man from New Hampshire, and say, “Yep, that's just like me!” Rand is from Pennsylvania. Mitch is from Alabama. It seems the only people getting hurt are the Kentuckians themselves.

One great thing about Matt Bevin was that he ran a heck of a campaign. Matt is a great speaker, very confident, and his campaign was rooted around the idea that for every hand he shakes, that's a vote. Matt fought tooth and nail with Mitch, shockingly losing to him, and he did the same in the Republican primary for Governor, and again for the General Election. Matt Bevin quoted Mark Twain... Mark Twain! In Kentucky! How remarkable! Matt Bevin was the constant in the race, the “control” in scientific speak. Whatever Matt was doing, the others hurried up and copied. Bevin was the man to watch in the campaign. Many times, folks would say that Bevin was lying, but most of the time, Bevin would thread the needle between his nuanced viewpoints spectacularly. For one instance, on Kentucky Sports Radio, Matt Jones asked Bevin which of Kentucky's Senator does his worldview most closely line up with. Bevin said Rand Paul. Later on, Matt Jones claimed that Matt Bevin said that he was Rand Paul, and Matt Bevin got real pissed off about it, and scoffed, “I never said I was Rand Paul”, which was true. He didn't ever say he was Rand Paul. He just said that Rand Paul's ideology is more closely aligned with his own, moreso than Mitch McConnell's ideology. When asked who he'd vote for President, Bevin said Ben Carson.

Matt Bevin is a great speaker because he speaks from the hip. Like Emma Goldman, he grabs the microphone and spits out what he feels, and does so eloquently, and charismatically. He's speaking from a moral core, from a principled standpoint. While I disagree with Matt's principles, I recognize talent, and will give Matt his due.

The reason why Jack Conway lost, was the same reason Alison Grimes didn't beat Mitch McConnell: they both pretended to be Republicans. When voters have a choice between a true blue Republican, and a Republican-lite Democrat, they'll always choose the real thing. Why would one want a fake Republican when they can get the real deal? By being honest, by choosing the right issues, being unabashedly “liberal”, like say, for Unions, would have been the best way to go. This would have made Geoff Young a better candidate for the Democratic Party than Jack Conway. Some folks say that Geoff would have lost. Yeah, maybe, but so did Jack, so what did it matter? If Kentucky is indicative of the national election in any way, it's showing the nation that going radical isn't political suicide anymore. In fact, picking a radical Republican is the only way for the Republican Party to preserve itself, resurrect itself, and save what little face it has left. And if the Republicans pick a Trump, or a Rand Paul, then the Democrats will need to pick a radical in order to compete with the Republicans. Trump would beat Hillary in an election. Bernie Sanders would smash Trump or Rand Paul into smithereens.

Jack Conway, chosen by the Democrats a year and a half ago, was the presumptive nominee the entire gubernatorial campaign, and dropped the ball at the end. But the Democrats showed their ass by picking Jack Conway so early on. Several months before the Democratic primary even began, Jack Conway had already raked up most of the endorsements of Kentucky's high profile Democrats. By backing Jack so many months before the Democratic primary election, the Democrats actually showed their ass by showing how scared they were of losing the Governor's chair.

Jack Conway had the lowest percentage of votes for a Democratic candidate since the Civil War.


Kentucky and the Confederacy

Dylan Roof shot up a Black church just for the fuck of it, just because he's a racist prick, and then the Supreme Court said that gay marriage is legal everywhere, and we saw that meme where the Confederate flag was going down, and the Rainbow flag going up.

Which side did many Kentuckians align themselves with? The gays? Nope. Many Kentuckians chose the Confederate flag side of the debate. Now we see more Confederate flags than ever. Wyte supremacysts have posted the Confederate flags on their trucks, flapping in the wind for the world to see. They are unabashedly racist, and proud of it. Being conservative means to keep what we have versus changing what we have (liberal). But Matt Bevin can't be completely conservative, especially since Matt Bevin changes everything. And “conservative” during the Civil War meant to maintain slavery. Growing up around cousins in Kentucky who flew the Confederate flag, I know the true intention behind it. I had one cousin who said that the Confederate flag represented freedom, and independence, and State's rights. I grew up believing that, because who can't love freedom and independence? And living in a federal system, I am an American, as well as a Kentuckian. But I had another cousin who was racist as fuck. Why did he wave the Confederate flag? Because he hated niggers. He told me fondly (many years ago, when I was a kid) how a Black man told him that he was offended by the Confederate flag. My cousin's response? “I don't care if you're offended or not. I'm offended that you're not swinging from a tree.” Yeah... wonderful. Ironically, both of these cousins had brown skin. Whenever they were challenged about the Confederate flag, the first “smart” cousin would challenge us back as not knowing our history and heritage. After doing a tour around the state of Kentucky, seeing an Abraham Lincoln statue, he spit on it, and was very proud of doing so. And I grew up in Northern Kentucky. Northern Kentucky... Boone, Campbell, and Kenton County are 90%+ white. Cincinnati has close to a 50/50 white to black ratio. So if Northern Kentucky is that racist, it doesn't bode well for the rest of the state.

I don't know my history and heritage? In fact, my German family is one of the things I know very intimately. Johann and Catherine Gripshover, with 7 kids, came to America in late 1869. 1869... that's 4 years after the Civil War. Ironically, while charging those who didn't agree with the Confederate cause, i.e. who didn't hate Black folks as they did, as not knowing their history, it was actually them, in fact, who didn't know their own history. Their ancestors, who are my own, never fought in the Civil War. They were neither North nor South. They were Germans. And they were discriminated against when they came to America. The 1855 Know Nothing Riots in Louisville and Cincinnati were about how the WASPs (White Anglo Saxon Protestants) attacked the German and Irish immigrants, burning down their houses in their own neighborhoods, and killing over 100 in Louisville. That's the American environment my “German” ancestors came into. “German” because they were actually Prussian, Bavarian, Bohemian, and Austrian, since Germany as one nation didn't exist until 1871. Why were the Germans attacked in 1855? Because the Germans were a different kind of white person in America. The Germans spoke their own language, they congregated amongst themselves, and the WASPs saw them as taking away their jobs, and gaining in politics because of the ballot box. Germans and Irish were viewed very similarly to Mexican immigrants today. My ancestors didn't have a VISA or any paperwork that allowed them to be here. They just got into the Deutschland, and sailed to Castle Gardens (the precursor to Ellis Island), unannounced and uninvited, which today, we'd call illegal.

During the Civil War, 80% of the German immigrants sided with the Union. One of Kentucky's best politicians—William Justus Goebel—rose to power because his father fought for the Union. Goebel was known as the Kenton County Kaiser, and Sandfordtown, Kenton County is where the original Gripshovers settled. My Gripshover ancestors went to William Justus Goebel Democratic meetings. My cousins don't know shit about William Justus Goebel, or Sandfordtown, or Plattsdeutsch (their original “German” language), or Ottmarsbocholt (the original German town they were from). Goebel fought against the corporations and the railroads. Goebel helped to write the 1891 Constitution that Kentucky still operates on today, even though the Railroad Commission was struck out. Goebel fought for unions, farmers, and working class peoples.

I remember during one of my cousin's “nigger” rants, I dropped some MLK on them. “Aren't we supposed to judge a person based on the content of their character, and not the color of their skin?” You could hear a pin drop. Then one of the brown-skinned cousins said, “We white people need to stick together”, and turned their back to me. You white people? You mean, you brown people, right? Because, you see, growing up with pale skin, some of the kids in school called me “Powder”. I'm more whiter, and blacker, than they'll ever be.

Also, Kentucky fought for the Union, since Confederate general Leonidas Polk invaded Kentucky, violating her proclaimed neutrality. That's why Kentucky's legislature chose to fight for the Union, even deposing of pro-Confederate Governor Beriah Maggofin. Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky, and left when he was about 9 years old or so. Lincoln said that he only hoped to have God on his side, but he must have Kentucky. 100,000 Kentuckians fought for the Union, which included 25,000 newly freed slaves, and lots of Germans, and 25,000 Kentuckians fought for the Confederacy. I'm glad that my home state fought for the right side, the winning side, for the right cause. I have too much respect for Kentucky to wave the Confederate flag of terrorism and treason. It's said that Kentucky seceded after the Appomattox.

Oddly enough, during Matt Bevin's victory speech, when Matt praised the 10th Amendment, the Kentuckians in the audience showed very little enthusiasm for it, even though the 10th Amendment represents the “State's Rights” argument which they cling onto so vehemently. Why wasn't there any excitement or enthusiasm for the Amendment which gives power to the States? Why? Easy. It's because they're stupid. Kentuckians, especially the Confederates, are inflicted with a culture of ignorance. They're happy that they're stupid and ignorant and poor and toothless and crazy and cancer-ridden and racist and backwards. It's why they love to say “taters”. It doesn't sound right, so therefore, it must be country. Remember why Brittany Spears said she rides with a baby in her lap when she's driving? It's because she's “country”. Yeah, more like white trash.


Rise in Hate Crimes Against Gay Folks

Overall, in Kentucky's Governor's race in 2015, bigotry won. Now Kentucky can finally throw all of their gays… into the fire. Light them up... that's where the term “faggot” came from. Faggot means a “bundle of sticks”, and so when gay folks were burned at the stake, all bunched together, like a bundle of sticks, i.e. faggot. Kentucky has found her scapegoat. Since Bevin's a bigot against gay folks, isn't also possible he's racist too? And didn't Hitler use scapegoats?

Don't be surprised that when Bevin squeezes Kentucky's economy, more crime will happen, naturally, such as domestic violence, stealing, etc, but also, specifically, hate crimes against homosexuals. “My lover's got humor... she's a giggle at a funeral...” 


Fascism Comes to Kentucky

Both FDR and Mussolini agree on what the definition of fascism is. Fascism is when corporations and government become one. We have government, especially a democratic government, to curb the excesses of corporations. To align corporations with government, as well as gunning to destroy all unions, that's fascism. 

"First, they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist. 

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew. 

Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me."

While cops are a part of the 99%, in terms of income, it's the cops who guard the bank doors, who guard the coal mines from the picket line, and when “the people” organize, militarized police with massive arsenals guard the government buildings, the politicians, and the faceless immortal corporations.

That's what both Jack Conway and Matt Bevin were. They were unabashed in their love for King Coal. It's like they were Rand Paul, not knowing jack shit about Bloody Harlan of the 1930s or the 1970s. Abraham Lincoln sided with “labor” over “capital”, but here in the Bluegrass, even the Democrats are proudly in favor of Capital, without shame. Matt Bevin takes his fascism to another level by being against labor unions. I can't remember one crappy job that even had a labor union, and I've had a bunch of crappy jobs (McDonald's, Frisches, Ruby Tuesday, Burger King, Applebees, a taxi cab driver). There wasn't a labor union, and those hired, either desperately needed their jobs to live, or they were too stupid to know that we were even allowed to organize and unionize, let alone advocate for it. Kentuckians who belong to a labor union are less than 9%. Julie Chancellor of Valley High School mentioned that teachers have a union, but also admitted that she didn't have anything to do with them. So Julie Chancellor, a fascist totalitarian piece of shit, gets the benefits of being in a union, while simultaneously hating them.

Before we work on “opting out” of unions, with “right to work”, we should have a right to “opt in”. Passing the Kentucky Free Choice Act would have allowed Kentuckians in all industries and walks of life to choose to form a union, or not. I wished I had the power to do so at all of the crappy jobs I worked at, because unions are the only leverage working people have. Without a union, we're all just at the mercy of the boss. And unions aren't there to destroy the company, to make them go bankrupt, or anything like that. Unions are there to make sure human rights are being protected, and there's no contradiction between making money, and making sure people are being treated like human beings. Without unions, no such leverage exists. Without unions, working class people don't have a chance.


The Shock Doctrine

The cutting of social spending caused several Kentuckians to kill themselves. Some folks in positions of power thought that eastern Kentucky citizens were gaming the Social Security system, and so when the investigations began, all of those awarded Social Security benefits from one particular lawyer, had their benefits cut off, until they could prove that they did indeed need them. While in wait, 3 Kentuckians offed themselves.

Matt Bevin worked hard, had some lucky breaks, made smart decisions, got government bailouts, and became a successful hedge fund manager. Bevin assumes that all one needs is a strong work ethic, and then everything else will just fall into place. He ignores the role that luck plays, as well as societal forces, the protection of property, and government assistance, which he himself accepted. Do renters even own the stuff in the space they rent? How come the LMPD didn't take seriously the house invasions I had to endure? In America, medical bankruptcies happen all of the time, so one can work hard, until their health fails, and then... fuck them?

Matt Bevin will sell Kentucky out to the highest bidder. Matt Bevin is great for corporate America and the Illuminati (aka Bilderberg Group, International Bankers, and the Trilateral Commission). It's corporate because they want to limit their liability. LLC literally means “limited liability corporation”. Corporate America wants to be able to do as they please, without any consequences whatsoever, and of course they do, since that's good for business. They pollute, they cut wages, have no safety standards, etc. I saw some Swedish college students watching the first Democratic debate, and one of them said that in Sweden, a successful businessman couldn't become a politician. That could never happen. Wow... what a difference in culture we have. In America, if you're not a businessman, then just forget it. If you spent your life working in the public sector, you don't have a chance.

While responsible corporations have a role to play in American society, corporations won't save us all. Corporations are faceless, mindless, soulless entities. They only want one thing: more money from your pockets to go into their pockets. They want your money to become their money. Corporations carry on even if the founders are dead. They may be just as immortal as the State is. Corporations won't save us all. My campaign was advocating for us, we the people, to save ourselves. To incorporate ourselves. To start up small businesses. We can save ourselves by creating our own businesses, to have programs to help new companies startup, by forming our own unions, but we need that opportunity to do so. Many times, shitty people won't rob the big bankers fucking over everybody, but they'll risk robbing the local bank, or the local man peddling vegetables out to everybody, or their neighbors. This puts us, as well as small businesses, at a greater risk. Matt Bevin will love big German corporations (such as the one who owns Kentucky's coal), but small businesses trying to get into the coal market... do they even have a chance?

Hell, even big corporations themselves want plenty of highly educated citizens to enter their workforce. They won't want a bunch of dummies working their plants.

Matt Bevin will do what the Chicago Boys did to Chile's economy in 1973. He'll sell government assets, lands, businesses, encourage foreign investment, have very few regulations, increase exports and GDP, cut social spending, and just operate on a very thin amount of government. Milton Friedman believed in some government. He figured that corporations have to work out their disputes when cutting and gutting out a nation's resources, and so therefore, cops and a court system was necessary. To protect the corporate interests of course. Matt Bevin will cut up all the social programs he can get his hands on. Just like Scott Walker in Wisconsin, Matt Bevin will chainsaw Kentucky's budget, chop them up into bits, and throw them into a woodchipper.. Considering Kentucky is the #1 corrupt state in America, austerity will partially work. Bevin also will fuck with Kynect, a successful state healthcare exchange. We'll actually get a chance to figure out exactly what Bevin's been talking about when it comes to ObamaCare. Bevin said that he's going to dismantle Kynect, and put those on the state exchange onto the federal exchange. Bevin's against Kentucky's version of ObamaCare, and plans on putting us on the federal government's version of ObamaCare. Providers are charged a 3.5 cent surcharge for the federal exchange versus a 1 cent surcharge for Kynect. Plus the expenses that would be incurred due to the changeover.

Kentucky is about to be electrocuted. Shocked into submission. Sure, while it took 3 decades of fascist police rule in Chile for capitalism to kick in, now Chile is held up as a bright shining example of how neo-liberal free markets are supposed to work. Unless you ask the students, who have been taking to the streets to protest the educational establishment of Chile.

Cutting government services and property and banking on corporations saving us all isn't going to work. By bowing down to a corporatist hedge fund manager from New Hampshire, and King Coal, and the 1%, and the bankers, and foreign corporations, while simultaneously gutting Kentucky's unions, Kentucky will fail to see the peasant. The worker. The regular man and woman. The average Joe.


Matt Bevin is Heartless

Matt Bevin also said that he's a Republican, and that he's always been a conservative Republican. So this means that Matt Bevin was never ever a liberal. It's ironic that Matt Bevin doesn't believe in change, but his candidacy changes everything. But more importantly, since Matt Bevin was never a liberal, this means that Matt Bevin has never had a heart.

Winston Churchill famously said, “If you're under 30, and you're not a liberal, then you have no heart. If you're over 30, and you're not a conservative, then you have no brain.”

Since Matt Bevin wasn't ever a liberal, he's never questioned authority, or cared about others. He purports to be a Christian, but dumping over ½ million Kentuckians off of their healthcare is wicked, beyond all redemption. Matt Bevin is heartless. 


Mein Fuhrer

Already Matt Bevin is talking about executive orders. He's saying that Kim Davis and all of those Kentucky clerks who don't want their names on gay marriage licenses can have their names removed. It allows the marriage to be legal, I assume, but for the clerk to not have their name on it. It seems like a decent compromise. But it's inching towards discrimination. With Bevin talking about using executive orders to get things done, he's willfully and eagerly bypassing the legislature, and he's showing everybody that he's going to be a dictator. David Adams protested vehemently when Steve Beshear used an executive order, many years into Steve's Governorship, for Kynect, saying that executive orders are unconstitutional. I wonder if David Adams will have the same complaint when Matt Bevin starts issuing out executive orders, at the very onset of his 4 year tenure. Executive orders will become Matt Bevin's best friend, because it's hard to have to convince the legislature to agree to your demands (ask Beshear on casino gaming). It's much easier to just force your dictatorial totalitarian boots down the throats of Kentuckians.

Kentuckians are more like douche bag Mike Harmon than charismatic Adam Edelen, and that's why Kentucky will always be a shitty state to live in:


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