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Status Quo Ante Bellum 1

In 1814, we took a lil trip, along with Colonel Jackson, down the Mississipp... we took a lil bacon and we took a lil beans and we caught the bloody British in the town of New Orleans. 
we fired our guns and the british kept a'coming;
there wasn't nigh as many as there was awhile ago;
We fired once more, and they began to runnin';
On down the mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico;

Ah yes... the War of 1812... when we went to war with "the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the dependencies thereof"... and stalemated! 

Stalemate stalemate stalemate! 

Status quo ante bellum.

I wonder how those millions of jingoist bourgeois spangled asshats would like it if their precious football game ended in a stalemate. 

So who won between the Patriots & the 49ers? They tied. Ah well. At least they gained each other's respect. That's the important part. For respect, and to genocide the shit out of the Creek Red Sticks native Americans so white folks can live in Georgia & Alabama... I'm sure those white folks will really civilize that place... 

Alabama. Roll tide! 

Fkn idiots! 

So, if a NUCLEAR WINTER actually happened... and a nuclear winter is where one nuke is dropped, and then another, and another, and eventually, 100 nukes are droppd, and a huge black cloud enveloped the world, and all the plants, all the animals, and all of humanity perished... they're all dead! everybody & everything... they're all dead! but the American flags made in China were still here, small lil tiny bits & scraps of cloth, were still here, on this Earth, and nothing else was... would that make you damn jingoistic bourgeois fatass lazy fair weather spectator sport assholes happy? Would you be okay with that? 

What good would that be? So aliens can come down here, and admire our colorful small lil bits & scraps of cloth amongst all the rubble? "Well, there appears something used to roam around this planet, life used to be here, and they seemed to have really loved these lil tiny colorful hankerchiefs to a fault." 

Then Trump says, we need to make Amerika great again... status quo ante bellum! Make it great, like it was in the past... keep things the same, but like it was yesterday. During integretion... or hell, let's go full on ante bellum. 

When slavery was around. 

But don't sit down for routine mindless worshipping of that piece of cloth!!! While the jingoists mutter some bullshit prayer, they don't know the meaning of, nor the history of. 

Whose the politically correct cry baby bitches now? 

[in a baby voice] "We're a bunch of lil bitty crybabies... we needs our safe space weasel holes... Colin Kaepernick! Don't do that! Boo hoo... we're a bunch of Politically Correct hypocrites! It's only okay to move Amerika backwards, not forwards. That's the only time change is necessary."

Now the Santa Clara police union are trying to strongarm the 49ers, saying they won't offer their version of police brutality to the 49ers games if they don't sack Kaepernick... so, "do the widdle bitty Santa Clara police union needs a safe space, so they can listen to the politically correct speech?"

Remember when NYPD stopped their patrols after that one guy shot those two cops, and crime and arrests went down? 

Go ahead Santa Clara police... stay away from the games. You all don't make anything better. We'd police ourselves better than you assholes can anyways. 

You know one way to really piss off those jingoistic bourgeois spangled assclowns... sing all 4 stanzas of the anthem. Sing the entire fkn national anthem ... because it'll take up 4 whole minutes of their time! And 4 minutes in, you know those damn jingoistic bourgeois fatass lazy fair weather spectator sport assholes will be like... "Enough with this national anthem bullshit! Let's get on with this goddamned football game already! I'm came here to watch a game... hurry this shit up! Roll tide!"

They'd go from being holier-than-thou blindly obedient jingoists to complete savage barbarians in 0 - 60 flat. 

Status quo ante bellum. 

And you know that those goddamned jingoistic bourgeois fatass lazy fair weather spectator sport assholes dont know shit about the War of 1812. 
Okay, I'll concede some things, the name "Star Spangled Banner" is a refined and sophisticated name for our flag. I like it. It's better than the Stars & Stripes and Old Glory. Also, the 1814 poem that Frank Key, owner of 6 slaves, wrote is kind of poetic, and even though the British lobbed 2,000 bombs at Fort McHenry during the attempted Sack of Baltimore in 1814, the flag was still there. Yup, all of that's true. 

The British ships left with their tails between their legs. We suffered 24 injuries, and 4 of our men died. But they had 330 of their men die. They retreated, and we killed more of their men than they did of ours... so... we win, right?

The 4 folks we lost were Lieutenant Clagget & Sergeant Clemm, and one African-American soldier, Private William Williams, and an unnamed woman was cut in half by a bomb as she carried supplies to the troops. 

And then think of the damage that was inflicted in that single battle. In the attempted sack of Baltimore, we sunk 22 of our own ships to clog up the Baltimore harbor, to block their ships from getting in. 

Fort McHenry had 400 bombs that was dropped in it, so there were holy buildings everywhere in the Fort, and 2 public buildings were destroyed. At least the very least. 

And that was just in the single battle of Baltimore aka battle of Fort McHenry. 

But this 1 singular battle that happened over a span of a few days was part of a larger 32 month war. A 32 month war we started, and ended... in a stalemate. 

Status Quo ante bellum. 

The War of 1812 is a war that we started. lil President Jimmy Madison and 19 of the 32 Senators voted for it, as well as the majority of the House of Representatives. Back then, we the people actually demanded that Congress declared the wars. Not so much today. 

And don't forget, 13 of the 32 Senators voted against it. If only 3 Senators would have changed their mind, then the Senate would have ended in a stalemate, not the entire nation. 

But we, we meaning our government, declared war on the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland, and all of her subjected territories and peoples. And it ended "status quo ante bellum", meaning all of the previous borders would remain the same. Nothing was gained. No new territories, we weren't being threatened. Nothing. 

It ended in a stalemate. 

Status quo ante bellum. 

But the overall costs of the war... our White House was burnt down! Tecumseh was assassinated! 
2,260 American soldiers & sailors were killed in battle... 2,260 individual souls, their lives ceased to exist! 

& 60% of those 2,260 Americans were Kentuckians, and even if the majority of my Kentucky brethren don't know shit about the War of 1812, I do, and it's fkn bullshit! Just because Kentucky's Senator, slave owner Henry Clay, who owned at least 60 slaves at one point, wanted some of that American Revolutionary fame, Henry Clay, John C Calhoun, lil Jimmy Madison, they all pushed us into a war we didn't need to get into, and then ultimately, Tecumseh is dead, as are many of the first nations of our country. Our White House is burnt down to the ground, as was the Library of Congress, and all of that history is completely lost, including stories about the pilgrims, the President's house was burnted to the ground, our nation's Capitol DC was sacked, to pieces, to smithereens, all to hell, to where President lil Jimmy Madison & family had to run away, and over 1,000 Kentucky soldiers were killed. At least that many.

4,505 Americans were wounded, and eventually, from disease, from their wounds, 15,000 Americans would die. 

15,000! 15,000 is about the size of the entire population of DC in the 1830s. 

15,000 American lives were sacrificed... over a stalemate. Over "status quo ante bellum". 

The war cost the United States about from $100 - $200 million dollars. Which is $1.5 - $3 Billion dollars today. Then the strain of having to raise all of this money forced our government to charter a 2nd national bank, taking another step towards greater centralization. 

And for what? 

For Henry fkn Clay's career? 

For lil Jimmy Madison? 

For that rabid racist psycho John C. Calhoun? John C. Calhoun? Who defended slavery, and whose ideas greatly influenced the South's secession from the United States? That's why over 1,000 Kentuckians had to die? For John C. Calhoun's ? So he could get his name on all of those Yale buildings? And yale... w in the f is that about/ You're in Connecticut for god's sake!?! John C Calhoun was a House representative of South Carolina. What in the f does that have to do with Connecticut? 

Bullshit. It was a war to kill Tecumseh, and a bunch of native Americans, and to take their land, so white folks could live on Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Georgia & Alabama. And that's why Canada was invaded too... in order to take their land as well. 

Some of you may try to say that it had to do with the impressment of American sailors into the British Empire... Are you fkn serious? 
First of all, the number of American sailors impressed into the British Navy were greatly exaggerated, about a few hundred sailors were impressed, but if that was the only reason for the War of 1812, then we would have ended the war after only a few months into it, because those were the peace terms that was offered in the early months of the war... and the Treaty of Ghent, the treaty that eventually ended the war, didn't even guarantee that the impressment of American sailors wouldn't happen anymore... so, no, I don't believe that bullshit. At all. 

The War of 1812 was an imperialist adventure, to take native American lands, and to attempt to invade and takeover Canada. 

And the Canadian First Nation aboriginal people would have been genocided just like the American native Americans were. 

And that's the war we sing about at our football games today? 

Status quo ante bellum. 

Also, fuck that name, the War of 1812... the war wasn't just in 1812. The war lasted for 32 months, for over 2 1/2 years... the United States was at war in 1812, 1813, 1814 & 1815... 

The name "War of 1812" is a misnomer. It's a horrible name for a war. It makes it sound like it started and ended in the same year, which it didn't. Maybe... James Madison's War. Henry Clay & John Calhoun's War. The War of the Whigs. 
The War of 1812 went on for 32 months following the U.S. declaration of war on Britain & Ireland in June 1812. That’s longer than the Mexican-American War, Spanish-American War, AND the U.S. involvement in World War I. 

Here's a quote by a surgeon Tiger Dunlop, 89th Regiment of Foot, about the War of 1812:

“There is hardly on the face of the earth a less enviable situation than that of an Army Surgeon after a battle – worn out and fatigued in body and mind, surrounded by suffering, pain, and misery, much of which he knows it is not in his power to heal…. I never underwent such fatigue as I did the first week at Butler's Barracks. The weather was intensely hot, the flies in myriads, and lighting on the wounds, deposited their eggs, so that maggots were bred in a few hours.”

Tecumseh was killed in 1813, and he died far away from his home, which he was born in either Kentucky, or Ohio, and he died in the Battle of the Thames, near Chatham, Ontario. That Shawnee chief from the Ohio River valley said this:

“So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.”

Now we have native Americans fighting for their people and their ancestrial homelands again, in North Dakota... will we Americans be any different this time? 

Without the War of 1812, aboriginal Canadians would have suffered the same fate as American Indians.

There was a US History teacher who told me that the only war he believed was "just", as St. Augustine & Thomas Aquinas defined, was the War of 1812... that's it? Not the 3 Holy Wars of WW2, the American Revolution, or the Civil War? Only the War of 1812 was "just"?!?

GTFO here. 

I know this for certain. When it comes to war, if we don't put an end to war, war is going to put an end to us. And we as a nation have been at war for the last 15 years, making the global war on terror the longest, and therefore, clearly, the most significant war we've ever fought in our lives.


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